High Deductible Health Insurance Plans For Individuals and Families

Written by Michael Ertel

Do you pay more attention to your car than your body? You change your oil every 3000 to 4000 miles. You have your tires rotated every other oil change. Your air filter and brake pads are changed atrepparttar appropriate intervals.

Now, what about your body? You followrepparttar 103401 recommended AMA guidelines for routine check ups and other healthcare services. You pay special attention to make sure you eat a balanced diet and always takerepparttar 103402 time to get enough exercise. The reality is many Americans pay more attention torepparttar 103403 maintenance of their car than they do their body.

From an insurance perspective, your automobile insurance company has a certain expectation that you will take reasonable care of your car. Things such asrepparttar 103404 routine maintenance of brakes and making sure your turning signals work properly are expected by your insurance company. Basic common sense says that proper automobile maintenance reduces traffic accidents and saves both you and your insurance company money.

Health insurance consumers can benefit by taking a similar approach to taking care of their body. Forrepparttar 103405 average American, regular exercise, routine check ups and following your doctor’s advice will reduce your healthcare costs inrepparttar 103406 long run. It is really very simple. By doingrepparttar 103407 things necessary to stay healthy, you will need to seek medical care less frequently.

10 Eye Popping,Jaw Dropping Ad Copy Secrets

Written by Chieko Tai

10 Eye Popping, Jaw Dropping Ad Copy Secrets by Chieko Tai Note: You are welcome to republish this article as long as my Resource Box is included atrepparttar end.

1. Use a hand written letter on your ad copy instead of text. Writerepparttar 103400 ad on a piece of paper, scan it and publishrepparttar 103401 ad on your web page. Adding a personal touch will always increase your sales.

2. Publish a list of famous and respected customers who have bought from you on your a copy. People will think that if these people bought from you, they should also trust your business and purchase your products. Make sure to get their permission first.

3. Show before and after photos for your products on your web page copy. Showrepparttar 103402 problem picture and then beside it, showrepparttar 103403 picture ofrepparttar 103404 resolution torepparttar 103405 problem when they use your product.

4. Include an article or review that has been written about you or your business with your ad copy. This will show people that your business is respected and will increase your credibility.

5. When you offer free bonuses in your ad copy, also listrepparttar 103406 dollar value beside each bonus. People will feel they're getting a good deal and it will increaserepparttar 103407 value of your product.

6. Hire a famous person to endorse your product or service. Make sure repparttar 103408 person is well known to your target audience. Include their picture and statements on your ad copy.

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