Hidden Causes of Water Damage in the Home

Written by Ed Bishop

In addition to causing destruction, water damage also has an adverse affect torepparttar indoor air quality of your home.

Damage from water can cause wood rot, insect infestation and mold .

The obvious causes of water damage are leaking roofs, windows, doors, foundation cracks and visible plumbing leaks.

These are fairly easy to detect, enabling a quick repair before maximum damage occurs.

The not-so-obvious culprits are moisture behind finished basement walls that are insulated with fiberglass; poor grading around foundation walls and air leaks that occur betweenrepparttar 100054 living space and attic.

Insulating finished basement walls with fiberglass is not a good idea.

Fiberglass will absorb water and not allow it to travel throughrepparttar 100055 wall, preventing a drying effect. Some people think installing a plastic barrier inrepparttar 100056 wall isrepparttar 100057 answer, but this approach only traps moisture.

A better way is to use rigid insulation (also known as blue board). This insulation is semi-permeable and allows moisture to travel throughrepparttar 100058 wall, allowing it to dry.

Water can also enterrepparttar 100059 basement ifrepparttar 100060 grade ofrepparttar 100061 land is pitched towardrepparttar 100062 house.

Gradingrepparttar 100063 soil away fromrepparttar 100064 house and adding rain gutters will guide rainwater away fromrepparttar 100065 house.

Openings fromrepparttar 100066 house torepparttar 100067 attic and poor ceiling insulation in houses located in colder climates can lead to ice dams that cause water to back up intorepparttar 100068 house.

Air leakage fromrepparttar 100069 house torepparttar 100070 attic will carry moisture inrepparttar 100071 form of humidity intorepparttar 100072 attic that can form water onrepparttar 100073 underside ofrepparttar 100074 roof leading to rotting and mold.

Typical leakage points betweenrepparttar 100075 house and attic are:

* leaky attic hatches * holes drilled for plumbing pipes and electrical wires that penetraterepparttar 100076 attic and are usually not sealed * Recessed light fixtures that are notrepparttar 100077 airtight type * Exhaust fans that vent directly intorepparttar 100078 attic

Installing Vinyl Siding - Making It Simple

Written by Colin McDougall

Installing vinyl siding can be a very rewarding process that could dramatically changerepparttar appearance of your home. Forrepparttar 100053 most part, if you plan your job well and adhere to some simple guide lines, anyone could learn how to install siding to there home.

The first thing to consider when installing vinyl siding is what tools will be needed forrepparttar 100054 job. Basically with some common carpenter tools, like a, hammer, level, chalk line, screw driver set, tin snips and a good circular saw you can pretty much achieve what it is you need to do. But if you plan on making a profession out of it, expect to pay inrepparttar 100055 thousands for a properly equipped truck.

After you have gathered your tools, you will need to collect your materials to preparerepparttar 100056 job. Below you will find a list of some fundamental items needed to start your siding project.


Vinyl siding should be applied over a sheathing that provides a smooth, flat surface. Since every district has different code requirements you may want to consult local building codes for sheathing requirements. Vinyl siding should never be applied directly to framing studs without sheathing. As an alternative to backer board, there is a variety of specific types of contoured foam under lays available for various styles of vinyl siding.

Weather Resistant Barrier

Vinyl siding should be installed over a continuous weather resistant barrier to stoprepparttar 100057 intrusion of incidental water. Weather resistant barrier systems commonly consist of a combination of exterior cladding, flashed wall openings and penetrations, weather resistant barrier material, and sheathing. Commonly used is black carpentry felt. When using felt be sure to check thickness requirements.


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