
Written by Robert Bruce Baird


Constantine is a hero ofrepparttar Christian faith just because he stopped feeding them torepparttar 126553 lions and supposedly converted to being a Christian. His children had a tutor named Lactantius who I often quote in regards to those who would lie or "forge" inrepparttar 126554 pursuit of power through religion. He should know from first hand experience to be sure. The Council of Nicaea wasrepparttar 126555 site ofrepparttar 126556 greatest achievement of Constantine who many scholars credit asrepparttar 126557 primary creator or editor ofrepparttar 126558 Bible and what isrepparttar 126559 basis of Roman Empire to this day.

“The influence ofrepparttar 126560 great Alexandrian Schools had not helpedrepparttar 126561 early Christians in their work of propaganda. Whilerepparttar 126562 Church of Rome held uprepparttar 126563 Jewish Bible asrepparttar 126564 sole authority upon every subject,repparttar 126565 Gnostic Schools of Alexandria and Ephesus had turned out thousands of students who recognizedrepparttar 126566 absurdity of such a claim. The scattered communities of orthodox Christendom, echoingrepparttar 126567 church in Rome, were teaching thatrepparttar 126568 Jewish Scriptures wererepparttar 126569 only revelation of God, and therefore not to be compared withrepparttar 126570 Scriptures of other nations. But three prominent Jewish scholars had already provedrepparttar 126571 similarity betweenrepparttar 126572 Laws of Moses andrepparttar 126573 philosophies of Plato, Aristotle and Pythagoras. Christians claimed that Jesus was a unique character, whilerepparttar 126574 entire pagan world knew thatrepparttar 126575 legends surrounding Jesus' life were identical with those of pagan gods. Students of comparative religion recognized their similarity torepparttar 126576 traditions of great spiritual Teachers who had preceded Jesus.

The Church now found herself in conflict not only withrepparttar 126577 'religious' ideas of her self-chosen adversaries, but with their 'scientific' views as well. The orthodox Church Fathers declared that God maderepparttar 126578 world out of nothing. The Gnostic Fathers denied this unphilosophical assertion and held thatrepparttar 126579 universe wasrepparttar 126580 result of a gradual unfoldment from within without. {As Above, So Below} Christianity asserted thatrepparttar 126581 earth was flat, and against this theory was pitted that of Aristarchos of Samos, who had been a member ofrepparttar 126582 Alexandrian School in 280 B.C., and had taughtrepparttar 126583 sphericity ofrepparttar 126584 earth as Pythagoras had taught it before him.

Inrepparttar 126585 fourth century, Science and orthodox Christianity came to a deadlock,repparttar 126586 bone of contention beingrepparttar 126587 idea ofrepparttar 126588 sphericity ofrepparttar 126589 earth. Criticizingrepparttar 126590 ancient theory ofrepparttar 126591 roundness ofrepparttar 126592 earth, Lactantius, one ofrepparttar 126593 most polished rhetoricians amongrepparttar 126594 Christians, indignantly inquired:

‘Is it possible that men can be so absurd as to believe that crops and trees onrepparttar 126595 other side ofrepparttar 126596 earth hang downward, and that men have their feet higher than their heads? If you ask them how they defend those monstrosities, how things do not fall away fromrepparttar 126597 earth on that side, they reply thatrepparttar 126598 nature of things is such that heavy bodies tend towardrepparttar 126599 center, likerepparttar 126600 spokes of a wheel, while light bodies tend fromrepparttar 126601 center torepparttar 126602 heavens on all sides. Now I am really at a loss what to say of those, who, when they have once gone wrong, steadily persevere in their folly and defend one absurd opinion by another.’

But this statement, although written by a prominent member of their own faith, was objected to byrepparttar 126603 Christians themselves. When had they ever claimed that there 'were' people onrepparttar 126604 other side ofrepparttar 126605 earth? {Indeed their maps often indicate there was no China. This is a corollary torepparttar 126606 Flat Earth fiction. It wasrepparttar 126607 reason they toutedrepparttar 126608 Marco Polo discoveries, even though they had Nestorian priests in China when Genghis Khan arrived and we now have Byzantium coins from archaeology inrepparttar 126609 Chinese digs dated torepparttar 126610 5th century as we have shown, etc.} The Bible stated thatrepparttar 126611 only persons who survivedrepparttar 126612 Flood wererepparttar 126613 three sons of Noah, and their work was clearly described. Shem had repopulated Asia, Ham had donerepparttar 126614 same for Africa, and Japhet wasrepparttar 126615 ancestor ofrepparttar 126616 European peoples. Therefore to quote St. Augustine: ‘It is impossible that there should be inhabitants onrepparttar 126617 other side ofrepparttar 126618 earth, since no such race is recorded inrepparttar 126619 Scriptures amongrepparttar 126620 descendants of Adam.’ {This is from a man self-confessed as a sexual deviate and who as a Manichean saidrepparttar 126621 Scriptures were only fit for children. When I say he is a deviate I'm being kind. The American Psychoanalytical Association says more in his book "Confessions".)

As if that were not enough of an argument to convince any thinking man, St. Augustine offered another which was certainly irrefutable! It would be impossible, he said, for men to be onrepparttar 126622 other side ofrepparttar 126623 earth, for in that case ‘inrepparttar 126624 Day of Judgement, men onrepparttar 126625 other side ofrepparttar 126626 earth would not be able to seerepparttar 126627 Lord descending throughrepparttar 126628 air.’

Byrepparttar 126629 sixth century,repparttar 126630 flatness ofrepparttar 126631 earth had been definately established byrepparttar 126632 Christian Church. In his great work, 'Christian Topography', Cosmos Indicopleustas {He was a mariner who traveled to India, and his word would carry some weight as a seafarer. Thus a little thing led to him getting a Nestorian priesthood as a reward for puttingrepparttar 126633 Pope officially onrepparttar 126634 map, atrepparttar 126635 center ofrepparttar 126636 Universe.} describesrepparttar 126637 earth as a quadrangular plane, extending four hundred day's journey east and west and exactly half as much north and south. {No wonderrepparttar 126638 Khan offered to make all of China Catholic, if Marco Polo could getrepparttar 126639 Catholic scholars to debate his scholars. This event never happened becauserepparttar 126640 two Catholics who set out withrepparttar 126641 Polos returned under protection of Templars, almost as soon as they got their first slaves.} This quadrangular plane he said to be enclosed by mountains, upon whichrepparttar 126642 sky rests. Asrepparttar 126643 mountain 'onrepparttar 126644 north is larger thanrepparttar 126645 others, it interceptsrepparttar 126646 sun's rays and produces night. The plane ofrepparttar 126647 earth is not exactly horizontal, but inclines slightly fromrepparttar 126648 north. Therefore rivers likerepparttar 126649 Tigris and Euphrates, which run southward, have a rapid motion, whilerepparttar 126650 Nile, which runs northward, naturally moves more slowly.’

In addition torepparttar 126651 pagan and idolatrous religions ofrepparttar 126652 "heathen" and their absurd scientific views concerningrepparttar 126653 sphericity ofrepparttar 126654 earth, there wererepparttar 126655 teachings ofrepparttar 126656 great pagan philosophers which had to be refuted also ifrepparttar 126657 Christian Church were to becomerepparttar 126658 ruling force ofrepparttar 126659 day. The orthodox Fathers devoted all their time and energy to this task. But in spite of their best efforts,repparttar 126660 Pagans laughed quietly at Christian ignorance. The Church was in a quandary. {Can you imagine this kind of writing being read in a school that taught history, today?} How could she continue to refuterepparttar 126661 pagan doctrines unless she understoodrepparttar 126662 theories she was trying to combat?

{By bafflegab and co-opting, great steps were taken andrepparttar 126663 Council of Carthage in 397 AD had made woman slave to man, so it was just a matter of making salvation easy to get. Then men could sin and pay no heed as they confessed each Sunday if they went to church at all.}

In self-defence,repparttar 126664 Church decided to adopt new tactics. She would establish a School of her own in Alexandria,repparttar 126665 city of Schools. {They also struck a deal withrepparttar 126666 Celtic Church which never acceptedrepparttar 126667 reduction of women, but thought it would be able to make more inroads working from within rather than without. Bangor in Ireland became a leading university for Catholic scholars like Columbanus.} This School would serve two purposes: first, it would enable her to introduce Christianity into this hotbed of heresy; {Where they later succeeded in whipping up a frenzy againstrepparttar 126668 smartest woman of her time. Hypatia of Alexandria was killed by tearing her arms and legs out of their sockets and her body was displayed all overrepparttar 126669 city of light and spirit.} second, it would giverepparttar 126670 Church Fathers an opportunity to studyrepparttar 126671 pagan doctrines, and thus give a greater appearance of authority to their Refutations. Asrepparttar 126672 Reverend Father Stebbing points out, this School

Your Focus Determines Your Reality

Written by Caleb Osborne


"Your Focus Determines Your Reality"

- by Caleb Osborne

© Caleb Osborne - All Rights reserved http://www.ChristThroughMe.com -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

"Your focus determines your reality", this famous line was spoken by Qui-Gonn Jinn of Start Wars-The Phantom Menace fame.

Ok, perhaps it is really infamous and you don't remember that quote. Nonetheless, think about it for a moment. Would you agree or disagree?

I'm about to show you why I emphatically agree with this certain Jedi Master and not just because it's from Star Wars...well not completely ;) No I'm going to show you how your focus relates to anything you want to be successful in and then more specifically your Christian life. Ready? Let's Go!

"Close or narrow attention; concentration" - so says Mister dictionary.com. When you are focusing on a certain aspect of anything, you generally ignorerepparttar rest ofrepparttar 126552 picture. You're concentrating so hard thatrepparttar 126553 rest of it atrepparttar 126554 very least becomes far less important and occupies less of your mental powers.

So what happens? You get more of what you're focusing on. And less of what you're ignoring. You can be successful at what ever it is you are focusing on because you're giving it all your attention. And everything else gets harder to become better at.

Whatever is in your focus, you will start to concentrate on it and you will be better conditioned to alter certain aspects of your life which will allowrepparttar 126555 object of your focus to actually become a true part of your life.

Perhaps an example is in order:


Say you are on a diet. You're not allowed to eat any carbohydrates. So what should you focus on? If you're gonna focus onrepparttar 126556 fact that you can't eat donuts and ho hos, what do you think you're gonna be craving all day? That's right--ho hos and donuts!

Now instead, lets say you focus on how you can make a great tasting meal out of fresh vegetables and yummy lean meat products, how you're gonna prepare them, cook them and enrichrepparttar 126557 flavor. What do you think you're gonna be craving that night? The no-carb-lean-meaty meal of course!

[end example]

See how your focus determines your reality? If you're concentrating on what you shouldn't be doing, you're setting yourself up for failure...are you starting to see how this relates to your Christian walk?

Cont'd on page 2 ==>
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