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Parkinson's Disease: Its Over-Diagnosis and Under-Diagnosis

Written by Gary Cordingley

In this era of genuinely marvelous, high-tech, medical devices, it is sometimes surprising that certain diseases are still diagnosed "clinically," meaning thatrepparttar clinician makesrepparttar 138241 call based on justrepparttar 138242 story of symptoms andrepparttar 138243 physical exam. Parkinson's disease is one such disease. There is no "Parkinson scan" or "Parkinson blood-test" to rely upon. MRI scans, CT scans and blood tests are usually normal in people with this disease.

Of course, once upon a time—before scans and blood-tests even existed—this is how all diagnoses were made. So, in a sense, diagnosing Parkinson's disease gets back torepparttar 138244 very roots of what doctors are supposed to do. But when there are no corroborative tests available to prove or disprove a diagnosis, evenrepparttar 138245 doctor sometimes gets it wrong.

Before delving intorepparttar 138246 challenges of diagnosing Parkinson's disease, let's first consider what is known about this condition.

In 1817 James Parkinson, an English surgeon and apothecary, published a classic, short book entitled "An Essay onrepparttar 138247 Shaking Palsy." In it, Parkinson identified a consistent pattern of physical abnormalities in six patients he had examined. Although people with identical abnormalities had doubtlessly been around for thousands of years, Parkinson wasrepparttar 138248 first to recognize this pattern of abnormalities as a distinct condition. For this important achievement,repparttar 138249 disease was eventually named for him.

Inrepparttar 138250 book's opening sentence Parkinson wasted no time in laying out prominent features of this disease: "Involuntary tremulous motion, with lessened muscular power, in parts [ofrepparttar 138251 body] not in action and even when supported; with a propensity to bendrepparttar 138252 trunk forwards, and to pass from a walking to a running pace:repparttar 138253 senses and intellects being uninjured."

Subsequently, scientists discovered that degeneration of a limited group of brain cells containingrepparttar 138254 chemical transmitter dopamine was responsible for these clinical changes. (The group of brain cells involved is too slight to show up on brain scans in all butrepparttar 138255 most advanced of cases.)

In 1967, levodopa (one of two ingredients in brand-name Sinemet) a drugrepparttar 138256 body can convert into dopamine, was found helpful in alleviating many ofrepparttar 138257 symptoms. Later, other drugs (dopamine agonists) were created that improved symptoms by mimickingrepparttar 138258 action ofrepparttar 138259 missing dopamine. These include bromocriptine (brand name Parlodel), pergolide (Permax), pramipexole (Mirapex) and ropinirole (Requip). To date, there are no treatments that reliably stop or reverserepparttar 138260 underlying disease-process.

As a condition that affects about one percent of people overrepparttar 138261 age of 60, Parkinson's disease is usually onrepparttar 138262 radar screen of patients and doctors alike when new symptoms are present that suggestrepparttar 138263 disease. That other conditions can resemble it was not news to James Parkinson who devoted a chapter of his 1817 book to "Shaking palsy distinguished from other diseases with which it may be confounded."

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