Herbal First Aid For The Home

Written by Patricia Valle

For a safe and effective way of handling minor everyday healing problems, there are solutions that can save you hundreds of dollars in doctors bills and give you a choice of inexpensive alternatives that are gentle enough even for children.

Tension and Stress: Chamomile tea, Bach Flower Rescue Remedy, Valerian root, Kava Kava, Lemon Balm, Passionflower, and Lavender essential oil.

Constipation: Flax seed oil, Aloe vera capsules or juice, Ayurvedic Trifala Formula, Psyllium powder or husks, Senna leaf, Smoothe Move tea, and Milk Thistle.

Diarrhea: Charcoal capsules, Carob Powder, Acidophilus, Calcium and Magnesium, Chamomile or Raspberry leaf tea.

Insomina: Chamomile tea or capsules, Valerian root, Wild Lettuce extract, Calcium and Magnesium (one dose at night), Passionflower, Scullcap, and Sleepy Time tea.

Colds and Flu: Oscillococcinum (homeopathic flu remedy), Echinacea and Goldenseal, Eucalyptus steam bath, Ginger compresses, Zinc lozenges, Vitamin C, Slippery Elm, Acidophilus, Garlic, and Yarrow.

Don't Resolve to Lose Weight in 2004

Written by Dale Reynolds

It’s a tradition! Each time we ring in a new year, people conduct a “state ofrepparttar person” and evaluate themselves-their career, their current wealth (or lack thereof), and their health. Then they resolve to change what they’re not happy with. Butrepparttar 115489 big question is: how many actually follow through?

If a change inrepparttar 115490 date is a reason to reflect, that’s great. But is that by itself a true motivator, or a real catalyst for change? Why shouldrepparttar 115491 fact that you’re now writing “04” on your checks be a reason to lose weight and get fit? All too soon, it will seem natural to write that new date, and you’ll loserepparttar 115492 feeling that too much time has passed you by without results.

If you really want to lose weight and get fit, don’t call it a New Year’s Resolution. And for Heaven’s sake don’t call it a diet either! Both of these are temporary, and everyone knows that. You’ll be setting yourself up for ultimate failure fromrepparttar 115493 beginning, because not only will you think it’s temporary, but so will everyone you need to support your efforts.

Losing weight and getting fit is all about improving your health. That’srepparttar 115494 only real reason to do it. And why do you want to improve your health? Do you want to live longer? Do you desire a better “quality of life” as you grow older? Are there specific things you have a burning desire to do, like traveling to far away places or playing with your grandkids, that demand good health and fitness? Getting in touch with your personal “why improve my health” isrepparttar 115495 one and only true long-term motivator. Think about this, reflect on it, and then write down every reason you can think of for improving your health. And don’t forget where you put it! You’ll need to pull this list out and refer to it whenrepparttar 115496 going gets tough.

Andrepparttar 115497 going will get tough because true long-term weight management and fitness will require changes in your behavior. Replacing long held habits with healthier ones, finding time for exercise, and discovering better ways to eat, are all necessary changes but may not be easy for you. This business of getting healthy is major work; make no mistake about that! And it’s not something you can ditch after a few months if you want to keeprepparttar 115498 progress you’ve made. Even if you lose allrepparttar 115499 weight you want and developrepparttar 115500 body of your dreams, it doesn’t end there! You must maintain your focus in order to keeprepparttar 115501 improvements you’ve made. Your house needs paint sometimes and your car needs oil changes. Your body needs maintenance too! If you return torepparttar 115502 old habits that made you overweight and out of shape, you’ll go right back to that state.

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