Hepatoblastoma Survivor Andres Peralta is Honored by Heidi Wolcott

Written by Miguel Peralta

In an effort to raise money forrepparttar Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Heidi Wolcott, cousin of Andres Peralta (http://baby.mperalta.com) will be running a half marathon in celebration of Andres' battle and victory over Hepatoblastoma - a rare childhood liver cancer.

Heidi is actively raising funds through her web page set up by Team in Training - a website that helps track and log marathon training schedules and helps individuals collect donations from supporters.

Andres was diagnosed with Hepatoblastoma in March of 2004 during a routine examination and subsequent hernia operation. His doctor, Jonathan Greenfeld maderepparttar 114645 diagnosis and together withrepparttar 114646 Cancer Research Unit of University Medical Center in Tucson AZ - moved ahead quickly perscribing an aggressive schedule of chemotherapy and sugery which ended in August of 2004.

You can see pictures and progress of Andres' fight with Hepatoblastoma at http://baby.mperalta.com - his parents, Miguel and Lucinda Peralta are very proud of Andres and were excited to hear about Heidi's courage and willingness to runrepparttar 114647 marathon in his name.

You can make donations or read more about Heidi's training here: http://www.teamintraining.org/participant/wolcott-241455 - you can also read more about Andres' condition here: http://baby.mperalta.com.

What is Risperdal®?

Written by Michael Monheit, Esquire, Monheit Law, PC

What is Risperdal?

How is Risperdal® different than other drugs? How long does it take for Risperdal® to start working? How long do I need to take Risperdal®? Will Risperdal® improve how I feel? What arerepparttar typical side effects of Risperdal®? What other side effects exist? Studies onrepparttar 114644 safety of Risperdal®


What is Risperdal? RISPERDAL®, generically known as risperidone, is an FDA approved medication for treatment of bipolar I disorder and is also approved or to treat acute to manic or mixed episodes associated with bipolar I disorder. It is approved for use as therapy alone or in combination with drugs called mood stabilizers, such as lithium or valproate. Risperdal is also approved for bipolar mania.

The drug was released in 1994 and is prescribed worldwide. It is one of a family of “atypical antipsychotic medications” used to treat schizophrenia and psychotic disorders. Risperdal® improves schizophrenia's positive symptoms (e.g., visual and auditory hallucinations, delusions, and thought disturbances) and may also help treatrepparttar 114645 illness’ negative symptoms (e.g., social withdrawal, apathy, lack of motivation, and inability to experience pleasure).


How does Risperdal® work? In order to treat chemical imbalances associated with bipolar mania, dopamine and serotonin levels are controlled usingrepparttar 114646 drug. Whilerepparttar 114647 specific details of how Risperdal® does this are not known, testing shows that Risperdal® adjustsrepparttar 114648 balance of dopamine and serotonin thereby reducingrepparttar 114649 bipolar mania. It is important to note thatrepparttar 114650 Risperdal® does not cure, but only helps to controlrepparttar 114651 mania.

Risperdal®, like some other atypical antipsychotics, is designed as a serotonin/dopamine antagonist. Apparently, Risperdal blocksrepparttar 114652 serotonin and dopamine, two neurotransmitter chemicals inrepparttar 114653 brains.


How is Risperdal® different than other drugs? Conventional antipsychotics seem to primarily affect only dopamine. Risperdal® affects both. Antipsychotics such as Haldol, Stelazine, and Prolixin have treated symptoms in many patients. However, these drugs do not satisfactorily affectrepparttar 114654 negative (depressive) symptoms, Risperdal® has been shown to be as effective asrepparttar 114655 conventional medications in treating positive symptoms.


How long does it take for Risperdal® to start working? Improvement of symptoms may be noticed in some patients relatively quickly. It can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks for a patient taking Risperdal® to see benefits. Therefore, usually doctors inform their patients to not expect immediate results, but to giverepparttar 114656 drug time to take full effect. Some adjustments may be necessary to reachrepparttar 114657 optimal dose for each patient.

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