Help is just a mouse-click awayWritten by John Karnish
There is a new internet marketing web-site that charges you over $200 to join. The main benefit or "unique selling proposition" of this site is that professional internet marketers personally answer your questions and give advice on how to make money with your site.Is this worth $200? I don't know. However I'd just like to point out that you can usually get same information, from successful internet marketers for free. There are a quite a few discussion forums where you can find answer to just about any marketing question you have. Usually moderators of these boards, along with many contributors are successful web entrepreneurs. Don't be afraid to ask advice from other people on your web-site or your sales letters. Successful webmasters aren't born, they're bred from many trials and errors, until they find what works. Why make some of same mistakes they made when just asking for a little advice can point you in right direction?
| | The Psychology of Color in MarketingWritten by June Campbell
Market researchers have had a field day identifying colors and likely effect they have upon us. However, effects of color differ among different cultures, so attitudes and preferences of your target audience should be a consideration when you plan your design of any promotional materials. For example, white is color of death in Chinese culture, but purple represents death in Brazil. Yellow is sacred to Chinese, but signified sadness in Greece and jealousy in France. In North America, green is typically associated with jealousy. People from tropical countries respond most favorably to warm colors, people from northern climates prefer cooler colors.Basically, in North American mainstream culture, following qualities are associated with color: Red excitement, strength, sex, passion, speed, danger.