Heed Your Confidence Voice

Written by Jim McCormick

You know fear can be powerful, controlling, limiting, and immobilizing. But did you know that when you accept your fear and tune in to your confidence voice, you can regain control and reap immeasurable rewards? Letrepparttar author, a full-time professional speaker, share how some thoughtful and constructive risk-taking can lead to higher job performance and greater personal satisfaction.

How do we keep fear from controlling us? Trust me: I didn't develop skill in this field solely by earning a skydiving World Record or jumping out of a jet overrepparttar 123977 North Pole--but it helped. Let's start with some background, then weave in a couple adventure stories that illustrate how to face fear and heed your confidence voice.

We know fear is going to be there, and that it will be intensely powerful. It can control us, limit us, and make our decision for us. If we don't deal with it effectively, it can immobilize us.

There are two responses to fear: constructive and destructive. The destructive response goes something like this: We're confronted with a situation that clearly and appropriately justifies fear, but instead we respond with, -I'm not afraid. That doesn't bother me.” Another sign we've invokedrepparttar 123978 destructive response is that we put a barrier between us andrepparttar 123979 fear source. We waste precious time and energy shielding ourselves fromrepparttar 123980 fear source. We could instead put this energy toward seeking solutions and resolutions torepparttar 123981 problem if we could only acknowledge that we are experiencing fear.

The constructive response to fear requires a simple, but often difficult, step. Andrepparttar 123982 step is difficult for a perfectly legitimate reason, because it attacks something that is important to all of us – our pride. The constructive response to fear requires us to admit we're afraid. When we admit that we're afraid, even if only to ourselves, when we accept our fear, something very powerful happens. We regain control. We're back making decisions for ourselves. The fear doesn't disappear, but its power over us wanes.

Early inrepparttar 123983 space program,repparttar 123984 National Aeronautics and Space Administration did a study. They had observed that a certain number of their pilots and astronauts were completing their missions successfully without suffering motion and stress sickness. Another group was consistently havingrepparttar 123985 problem. Based on empirical research, NASA found that there was one factor, and one factor alone, that maderepparttar 123986 difference betweenrepparttar 123987 two groups. The ones who were going throughrepparttar 123988 mission without a physical problem wererepparttar 123989 ones who had acknowledged in advance that they were going to be afraid. They had a constructive response to fear.

For all of us, but particularly for people who are achievement oriented,repparttar 123990 idea of a feeling like fear exerting so much control over them can be hard to accept. The thought that a mere emotion--something that did not spring from their imposing intellect or determined will--could have a significant impact on them is extremely bothersome. To get comfortable withrepparttar 123991 fact that fear doesn't necessarily make sense, yet has tremendous power over us, can be one ofrepparttar 123992 most consequential events of our lives.

The process of identifying fear starts with a "feelings inventory.” To get started, sit where there are no distractions. Answer honestly: Are you angry, happy, sad, or afraid? You may feel more than one ofrepparttar 123993 emotions, or all of them. Identifyrepparttar 123994 source of each of these feelings-the real source. This may sound simplistic, but if you do it with commitment, you will quickly grasprepparttar 123995 value.

To understand more completely how a feelings inventory can help you understandrepparttar 123996 interplay between emotions, think of a spacecraft inrepparttar 123997 weightless environment of space. It has retro-rockets that propelrepparttar 123998 spacecraft when they fire. They are there to enablerepparttar 123999 spacecraft to maneuver in all directions.

Sorting Emotional Laundry

Written by Sibyl McLendon

This week has been a real roller coaster at my house. A lot of emotional dirty laundry is piling up at my door. As much as I would like to not answer it, that isn't realistic. Avoidance of troubles is notrepparttar answer. I long ago learned that it you let that stuff pile up, soon you won't be able to get out ofrepparttar 123976 house anymore.

So, when I feel as if I am trying to stand up on a teeter-totter,repparttar 123977 trick is inrepparttar 123978 balance. Here, I am talking about my Hozho. This means maintaining balance and harmony no matter what. It is a Navajo word and concept; I am one half Navajo. I have to sort through that baggage; one pile is mine, another my son's, yet another belongs to my husband, and some even belongs to clients of my website design business. There is a small pile that belongs to friends, and even one over inrepparttar 123979 corner that is unidentifiable! So now what? After doingrepparttar 123980 sorting (which is quite difficult, really), then I have to realize thatrepparttar 123981 only pile I can do anything about isrepparttar 123982 one that belongs to me. If I attempt to walk around carrying all those dirty clothes, it is going to break my back. I am only going to get angry, resentful and negative if I attempt to clean up everybody else's stuff. Some of them don't even want their stuff cleaned up. I also long ago learned that some people cling to trouble like a teddy bear.

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