Hearing Aid Battery Safety

Written by Stan Boston

Please keeprepparttar following in mind when dealing with your hearing aid batteries:

  • Kids findrepparttar 136685 small objects to be tempting and have been known to swallow them. If hearing aid batteries are swallowed, immediately notify a doctor and/or callrepparttar 136686 National Button Battery Hotline at (202) 625-3333. (They will accept a collect call).
  • Believe it or not, people have accidentally confused a hearing aid battery for their medication. Keep batteries away from places you take your pills.
  • Most hearing aid batteries can be recycled. Please call your local recycling center to find out how to properly dispose of your hearing aid batteries.

New Hope for Alzheimer's Treatment

Written by R.L. Fielding

New Hope for Alzheimer’s Treatment By Boris Predovich, Covance Research Products

There is now widespread agreement among research scientists and medical professionals that Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a problem quickly growing to vast proportions. Asrepparttar life expectancy of Americans continues to rise, increasingrepparttar 136684 percentage ofrepparttar 136685 population over 65 years of age, so doesrepparttar 136686 number of Alzheimer’s cases.

It is currently estimated that people over 65 years of age have a 10% chance of developing Alzheimer’s, while those over 85 have a 50% likelihood of developing AD, making itrepparttar 136687 leading cause of dementia among older people. Thoughrepparttar 136688 disease is associated primarily with memory loss, its effects also comprise a number of other severe disabilities, including changes in personality, disorientation, difficulty with speech and comprehension, and a lack of ability to move normally.

Consequently, most Alzheimer’s patients require a great deal of care, costing society close to $100 billion annually. According to Christian Fritze, Ph.D., Director ofrepparttar 136689 Antibody Products Division at Covance Research Products, "The impact of Alzheimer's Disease on our society will only increase as our population ages. The prevalence ofrepparttar 136690 disease and disabling effects onrepparttar 136691 patient are significant by themselves. In addition we are becoming increasingly aware ofrepparttar 136692 far-reaching effects on families, care-giver networks andrepparttar 136693 economics of our health care system. The drive for progress towards effective treatments byrepparttar 136694 research and drug development community is growing stronger every day."

A New Consensus

But recent developments inrepparttar 136695 medical research community do provide some hope. Duringrepparttar 136696 last two years, there has been a growing consensus among Alzheimer researchers aboutrepparttar 136697 cause of Alzheimer’s disease, providing focus for scientists exploringrepparttar 136698 new treatment options.

The focus is on amyloid beta oligomers, a new wrinkle on an older hypothesis calledrepparttar 136699 “amyloid cascade hypothesis”. Widespread acceptance of this new conclusion is something of a milestone inrepparttar 136700 history of Alzheimer’s research. As Dr. Fritze says, "The decades old quest forrepparttar 136701 causative agent in Alzheimer's Disease has recently focused onrepparttar 136702 precursors of amyloid plaques. These precursors are part of a bewildering array of processed (APP) Amyloid Precursor Protein) variants, Tau isoforms and secretase components that play a role in neuronal cytotoxicity and subsequent brain dysfunction.”

Amyloid plaques are sticky protein deposits inrepparttar 136703 brain containing amyloid beta peptide. Researchers have associatedrepparttar 136704 buildup of this plaque with Alzheimer’s disease since its discovery in 1907. But despiterepparttar 136705 clear correlation, scientists were not sure what, exactly, spurredrepparttar 136706 onset of Alzheimer’s Disease. The hypothesis that amyloid beta accumulation inrepparttar 136707 brain isrepparttar 136708 major cause of Alzheimer’s Disease1 has beenrepparttar 136709 focus of much attention overrepparttar 136710 past decade. Although this hypothesis wasrepparttar 136711 leading explanation forrepparttar 136712 cause of AD, it had several weaknesses. The most obvious problem withrepparttar 136713 theory wasrepparttar 136714 fact thatrepparttar 136715 buildup of amyloid beta peptides did not necessarily correspond withrepparttar 136716 severity of Alzheimer’s symptoms.

However, in 19982 and in 20023, researchers proposed that it was notrepparttar 136717 amyloid beta plaques themselves that were neurotoxic – and thereforerepparttar 136718 cause of Alzheimer’s – but rather precursors to amyloid beta plaques formed by smaller aggregates of amyloid beta. These new ideas are gaining widespread acceptance amongrepparttar 136719 Alzheimer’s research community, creating a consensus that had not existed before.

This new focus provides one more spur to action for Alzheimer’s researchers, and underscoresrepparttar 136720 need for further advancement. “The AD field demands sophisticated, highly-sensitive research tools to track these components and quantitaterepparttar 136721 existence of monomeric, oligomeric and fibrillar amyloid forms present inrepparttar 136722 progression of Alzheimer's disease,” says Dr. Fritze.

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