Healthy Eating Tips for Healthy Living in 2005

Written by Andrew LaPointe

Healthy Eating for Healthy Living in 2005

Eating healthy is fast becoming a way of life. American’s are living longer, however,repparttar goal of many is not to simply live longer,repparttar 114516 goal it is to live a longer and healthier life. Simple everyday fruit can help.

Recent studies have indicated thatrepparttar 114517 antioxidants in fruit provide a whole host of health benefits:repparttar 114518 anti-aging power of blueberries andrepparttar 114519 joint pain relieving properties found in cherries to name a few.

The multitudes of health components found in fruit are truly a gift from Mother Nature. Here are a few everyday fruits for healthy living in 2005:

Cherries – The Supercharged Fruit:

Are cherries truly fruit for a healthy you? Recent studies have revealed that cherries offer an assortment of health benefits includingrepparttar 114520 ability to offer natural relief from joint pain caused from gout, arthritis and joint inflammation.

The wonder ofrepparttar 114521 cherry isrepparttar 114522 anthocyanins. According to research from Michigan State University tart cherries contain anthocyanins and bioflavonoids, which inhibitrepparttar 114523 enzymes Cyclooxygenase-1 and -2, and prevent inflammation inrepparttar 114524 body. These compounds have similar activity as aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen.

Further investigations revealed that daily consumption of cherries hasrepparttar 114525 potential to reducerepparttar 114526 pain associated with joint inflammation. Many are choosing to drink cherry juice, eat cherries or consume tart cherry pills for relief of gout, arthritis and joint pain.

Linda L. Patterson is a living testimony ofrepparttar 114527 soothing affects of cherries on her joint pain. “I enjoy crocheting and lately my hands have been so painful, I couldn’t crochet for more than about 30 minutes.”, says Patterson. In an attempt to find relief from her pain, she located Fruit Advantage Tart Cherry capsules, ( a supplement made from red tart cherries. “Withinrepparttar 114528 first week of takingrepparttar 114529 tart cherry capsules my hands felt so much better.”, says Ms. Patterson. “I am now able to crochet withoutrepparttar 114530 pain in my hands.”

Food Supplements and Glyconutritionals?

Written by Theryssa

Why Do We Need Food Supplements and Glyconutritionals?

Food is one of our most basic needs. However, in our modern society fresh food is a thing ofrepparttar past. The so called fresh fruits and vegetables we buy today have little nutritional value because they are grown in nutrient-deficient soil, picked before they ripen naturally, gassed, irradiated, artificially ripened and stored for days before we eat it. Therefore, our diets lackrepparttar 114515 essential building blocks of functional foods vital to our health and well-being.


Without functional foodsrepparttar 114516 body cannot continuerepparttar 114517 miracle of healing itself as these foods providerepparttar 114518 raw materials needed to assist in this healing process thus givingrepparttar 114519 body fuel to perform at optimum levels. Without sufficient functional foodsrepparttar 114520 following four problems exist for most people:

*Starvation: since most of our food is nutritionally starved; *Toxicity: many food products including raw fruits and vegetables contain toxins not to mentionrepparttar 114521 air we breathe andrepparttar 114522 water we drink, which actually work against our body's natural healing process; *Stress: as a result of malnutrition and high levels of toxicity; *Degenerative disease: which can be symptomatic of nutritional deficiency and as a result of stress onrepparttar 114523 body.


Functional foods or Neutraceuticals are "foods that are thought to prevent disease" (Harvard Health Letter April '95). The building blocks of functional foods are called phytochemicals (plant chemicals) These phytochemicals (carbohydrates) are naturally occurring bioactive substances that prevent diseases by interacting withrepparttar 114524 body's innate healing process to maintain vibrant health and energy.


Ofrepparttar 114525 200 simple sugars (glyconutritionals) occurring in plants, only eight are known to be essential for cell- to-cell communication. These are only found in food that is ripened onrepparttar 114526 vine/tree and remain active for 48 hours after being picked. However, only two of these, glucose & galactose are found in modern diets. The body can convert these two intorepparttar 114527 six missing sugars, but this enzymatic process is long (up to 20 steps), unreliable and error-prone. Thus we need to supplement our diets with these missing sugars.

WHY ARE THESE glyconutritionals SO IMPORTANT?

All cell surface receptors; binding and signaling components are glycoproteins (proteins and sugar). They essentially act asrepparttar 114528 language between cells in our body. The glycoproteins are likerepparttar 114529 letters and words of a language. Ifrepparttar 114530 correct sugar (carbohydrate) is not placed inrepparttar 114531 proper location, or is missing,repparttar 114532 glycoprotein is not formed correctly and will not be able to carry out its function inrepparttar 114533 cell membrane. Only effective cell membrane communication can makerepparttar 114534 proper cells for our organs.

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