Health Is Internal Beauty

Written by Tonya Zavasta

Excerpted fromrepparttar book "Your Right to Be Beautiful: How to Haltrepparttar 143825 Train of Aging and Meetrepparttar 143826 Most Beautiful You" by Tonya Zavasta. The book is available at:

Jean Kerr, American author and playwright wrote: “I’m tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That’s deep enough. What do you want an adorable pancreas?”—

Jean Kerr was closer torepparttar 143827 truth than she might have realized. Every outside organ ofrepparttar 143828 human body is eligible to be called beautiful, but because internal organs are ordinarily seen only by surgeons, they get excluded fromrepparttar 143829 beauty contest. If our internal organs were observed, we would describe them in terms of attractiveness, and normal color and shape would be considered beautiful. You need only compare pictures of normal healthy internal organs with pictures of their infected and diseased counterparts inrepparttar 143830 medical books to convince yourself that health and beauty are synonymous.

A healthy colon looks like evenly braided muscles. Onrepparttar 143831 other hand, unhealthy colons are deformed: twisted and looped in some parts, ballooned and engorged in others, as revealed by barium X-rays. Visit a colon therapist, if only to observerepparttar 143832 pictures of unhealthy colons and see for yourself how ugly one can be onrepparttar 143833 inside.

The blood of a healthy person is also beautiful. The red blood cells are uniformly round. The blood of a body full of toxins is contaminated with pathological bacteria, abnormal proteins, and parasites. When red blood corpuscles clump together,repparttar 143834 condition is called Rouleau or “sticky” blood. Rouleau, this clumpy, unattractive blood, appears 5 to 20 years before symptoms of illness present themselves. It is an early messenger of hundreds of degenerative diseases. Conglomerates of red blood cells cannot accessrepparttar 143835 fine capillaries ofrepparttar 143836 body. Rouleau is particularly damaging torepparttar 143837 organs ofrepparttar 143838 head, in particularrepparttar 143839 eyes, ears, and scalp. A diet high in meat and dairy products increasesrepparttar 143840 stickiness of your platelets. Blood that becomes sticky is a sure precursor of blood clots, strokes, and heart attacks.

The arterial pipelines in a healthy circulatory system are clean and clear from obstructions. In healthy arteries,repparttar 143841 inner lining, calledrepparttar 143842 intima, is smooth, supple, and without cracks. A cross-section of a normal coronary artery shows no arterial thickening or blood-blocking plaque deposits.

An unhealthy circulatory system paints an entirely different picture. The middle muscular layer ofrepparttar 143843 artery can no longer fully recoil after a pulse wave has expandedrepparttar 143844 vessel. Elasticity ofrepparttar 143845 artery walls is reduced, and cracks and hollows appear. They catch calcium, cholesterol deposits, fat accumulations, and clusters of platelets. Cholesterol deposits roughenrepparttar 143846 inner surfaces and damagerepparttar 143847 walls ofrepparttar 143848 arteries. At first, plaque build-up does not cause discomfort--it is just ugly. But later, thick, clogged bloodstream results in coronary arteries becoming occluded with fatty buildup, which effects circulation and causes deterioration ofrepparttar 143849 connective tissues. Deterioration and abnormal hardening ofrepparttar 143850 arteries result in a process called arteriosclerosis and may cause heart disease, stroke, and hypertension.

An Introduction to Bach Flower Essences Part I – The Twelve Healers

Written by Misty Rae Cech

What are Bach Flower Essences?

Pioneered by Dr. Edward Bach inrepparttar 1930’s, a flower essence is a liquid preparation imprinted withrepparttar 143798 etheric pattern of a particular flower. Like a homeopathic remedy,repparttar 143799 liquid – usually spring water with a little brandy added for preservation – contains little or no detectable chemical substance ofrepparttar 143800 flower from which it was made. Instead,repparttar 143801 liquid maintainsrepparttar 143802 vibrational pattern ofrepparttar 143803 flower. Well, what does this mean, exactly?

To understand flower essences (also called ‘flower remedies’), you can imagine that all things are made up of vibrating energies – modern physics and eastern mystics both confirm this – that there are no finite particles, but instead repeating, dynamic energy patterns. Material objects are made up of huge amounts of energy really, as Einstein had shown with E=mc2, whererepparttar 143804 amount of energy (E) is equal torepparttar 143805 mass (m) of an object timesrepparttar 143806 speed of light (c – a very big number) squared. Now picture a beautiful red rose – bright, colorful, vibrant –repparttar 143807 Rose has a particular energetic pattern, one that is repeated in every other red Rose (though not exactly, but very close). There are energy frequencies that are particular torepparttar 143808 red Rose that are different from all other flowers. The vibrations that make up a Rose are faster than many other flowers (Rose is considered a very high-vibration flower), and these vibrations are woven together in a particular way. Now imagine any other flower – a Geranium for example – it’s vibrational patterns are different fromrepparttar 143809 red Rose – slightly slower perhaps, and woven together in a different way. It is these vibrational patterns of each flower that give them their particular characteristics – color, shape, smell, texture, andrepparttar 143810 like.

Now, somewhat like a sound from one source can make a material acrossrepparttar 143811 room vibrate with sound energy (as your eardrum may vibrate fromrepparttar 143812 plucking of a guitar), flowers can cause water to vibrate with a different sort of energy. It’s not so much a sound, or even light (though this is closer), but ‘etheric’ energy –repparttar 143813 very essence ofrepparttar 143814 flower has a vibration that is imprinted uponrepparttar 143815 water in which it is placed. The water, being made up of vibrational energy itself, retains some ofrepparttar 143816 vibration ofrepparttar 143817 flower that was soaked in it. This etheric imprint is stored inrepparttar 143818 water, and can actually be transferred fromrepparttar 143819 water at a later time to other objects (or beings) also made of vibrational energy.

So, what does all this mean to us?! Well, Dr. Edward Bach heldrepparttar 143820 notion thatrepparttar 143821 source illness or disease was emotional in nature. And when one ponders what emotions really are, one can conclude that each emotion is a particular energetic state of being. All emotions seem to have a particular energy – love, despair, anger, fear, appreciation – one can consider each of these a different energetic pattern. Dr. Bach considered negative energetic states, negative emotions, to berepparttar 143822 source of disease inrepparttar 143823 body, a theory supported by much ofrepparttar 143824 world’s healers. Dr. Bach also thought that these energetic states can be transformed, and that one ofrepparttar 143825 transformational methods he discovered wasrepparttar 143826 use ofrepparttar 143827 vibrational patters of flowers – it was then that Flower Essence Therapy was born.

Through years of research and study, Dr. Bach developed a system of therapy usingrepparttar 143828 vibrational patterns of flowers, imprinted into spring water, to transformrepparttar 143829 emotional vibrational patters of human beings. He showed through numerous case studies that flower essences, properly selected and applied, can be effective in treatingrepparttar 143830 negative energies which underlie most disease states. Further, one need not have an illness or disease to realizerepparttar 143831 benefits of flower essences – flowers can be used to assist in transformation of any negative emotional state, be it temporary and transitive, or a more ingrained long-term pattern. (Flower essences do not transform positive states into negative ones, as flowers are not thought to contain negative energies themselves).

Dr. Bach’s 12-7-19 Categorization Method

Dr. Bach categorizedrepparttar 143832 original 38 flower essences he discovered into 3 categories to assist in their application. The categories arerepparttar 143833 ’12 Healers’ which reflect and transform our essential nature,repparttar 143834 ‘7 Helpers’ to assist with chronic conditions, andrepparttar 143835 ‘Second 19’ that relate to more immediate traumas or difficulties. Here we will considerrepparttar 143836 Twelve Healers and describerepparttar 143837 properties of each essence. The Seven Helpers andrepparttar 143838 Second Nineteen will be considered in Parts II and III of this article.

The Twelve Healers were designated by Dr. Bach asrepparttar 143839 flower essences that helprepparttar 143840 individual transformrepparttar 143841 source of discord atrepparttar 143842 very core of their being. These twelve essences are meant to addressrepparttar 143843 twelve archetypal groups of humanity;repparttar 143844 twelve primary personalities as Dr. Bach saw them. Some have gone so far as to relate these torepparttar 143845 twelve signs ofrepparttar 143846 Zodiac (a reasonable relationship it seems), though it is unclear as to whether this relationship was drawn by Dr. Bach himself.

These twelve essences are an excellent starting point for any journey into flower essence healing, as it is often times our root ‘disharmony’ or karmic imbalance that isrepparttar 143847 source of much or perhaps all ‘dis-ease’ in our lives.

The Twelve Healers:

Impatiens – Asrepparttar 143848 name ofrepparttar 143849 flower implies, this essence addresses a tendency toward impatience; these individuals have difficulty withrepparttar 143850 flow of time. Their minds are often far ahead ofrepparttar 143851 present moment, and with this they will deny themselves full immersion inrepparttar 143852 beauty around them. The individual needing Impatiens may be truly lonely, always being ahead of those subtle human exchanges which bringrepparttar 143853 richness to our collective human experience. Many find Impatiens to be a relatively ‘fast acting’ flower essence, feeling more at ease within minutes of essence use.

Gentian – Those in need of Gentian flower essence are too easily discouraged when setbacks occur. They may live with an omnipresent feeling that things are not going well, and may doubtrepparttar 143854 possibility of their own healing. Gentian can bring about a more positive outlook – perhaps withrepparttar 143855 feeling that one is ‘good enough’. When things do not go exactly as planned, instead of being overwhelmed and disheartened, one can seerepparttar 143856 lessons inrepparttar 143857 circumstance, perhaps rebounding with more wisdom and strength than before.

Mimulus – This essence isrepparttar 143858 core remedy for known fears in everyday life. Those needing this essence can be hypersensitive to common events which will elicit an out-of-proportion fear response. The fear may be found inrepparttar 143859 physical body centered inrepparttar 143860 solar plexus, which may churn with anxiety. Mimulus flower essence helps bring courage to these individuals, bringingrepparttar 143861 strength ofrepparttar 143862 higher Self torepparttar 143863 personality so that they may find joy and exuberance in their lives.

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