Health Benefits of Noni Juice

Written by Cori Young

Noni Juice, Morinda Citrifolia

Morinda Citrifolia , a deciduos creeping vine with twining stems and white flowers which is native to Malaysia, Austrailia, and Polynesia, is gaining popularity inrepparttar west due to it’s apparently wide ranging health benefits. Part ofrepparttar 114710 Madder family, Morinda’s thick, intertwined purple roots are harvested inrepparttar 114711 spring and fall for use in herbal medicine and to makerepparttar 114712 increasingly popular noni juice.

The Polynesian culture has long used morinda to treat a wide variety of symptoms ranging from respiratory problems, poor digestion, and high blood pressure to menstrual problems and immune deficiency. Rich in vitamin C, noni juice also containsrepparttar 114713 hill spectrum of amino acids, as well as naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes, beneficial alkaloids , co-factors and plant sterols.

Recent research suggests that noni root compounds contain natural sedative properties and may lower blood pressure. Biochemist , Dr Ralph Heinicke, asserts that proxeronine, an alkaloid precursor to a vital compound called xeronine, helps inrepparttar 114714 normalization of abnormally functioning cells. Heinicke claims that noni juice provides a safe and effective way to increase xeronine levels, which can be decreased by anger, stress, trauma, disease and injury.

"Rich in vitamin C, morinda provides natural antioxidants that supportrepparttar 114715 kidneys, increasingrepparttar 114716 flow of urine to flush toxins fromrepparttar 114717 body. It works to correct problems withrepparttar 114718 structure of proteins and cells. Working atrepparttar 114719 cellular level, morinda solves problems withinrepparttar 114720 body ranging from cancer to digestive distress." - From Prescription For Nutritional Healing, by Phyllis A Balch, CNC


Morinda contains antidepressant compounds inrepparttar 114721 form of two sugars, inulin and nystose, as well as succinic acid, a compound created from simple sugars. Morinda also contains xeronine, which brings about a feeling of well-being by opening brain receptor sites to receive more endorphin hormone.

Are Your Really an Emotional Eater? Try this Experiment and Find Out

Written by Jonni Good

Several weeks ago I discoveredrepparttar Rosedale Diet. The author claims his program will "turn off your hunger switch." Even more importantly (in my opinion) isrepparttar 114709 claim thatrepparttar 114710 plan will also curb sugar cravings by addressingrepparttar 114711 modern problem of leptin insensitivity. This is done by increasing Omega 3 fats, and limiting protein and highly refined carbs.

Naturally, if I recommend a diet, I have to try it out on myself. It wouldn't be very fair to do otherwise. I bought some fish, nuts and avocados, and kept torepparttar 114712 diet for about two weeks. During that time I can honestly say that I had little desire to eat very much. I wasn't sure if this was caused byrepparttar 114713 leptin balance, or simply because I told myself I wouldn't want to eat. Duringrepparttar 114714 beginning phase of a diet, it's always easy to convince myself that it's working.

Then I had company, and I used it as an excuse to head down torepparttar 114715 Cuban restaurant I'd been hearing so much about. It was a treat, and I found more excuses for more treats while my company was in town. For a few days,repparttar 114716 diet was forgotten. In just that short time, I became aware of a remarkable difference inrepparttar 114717 way I felt about food.

Almost immediately after going offrepparttar 114718 Rosedale diet, I felt compelled to eat everything in sight. It took willpower and commitment to not give into this compulsion.

But I was not hungry! I was no more hungry after I went offrepparttar 114719 diet than I had been while followingrepparttar 114720 program. What seemed to be missing wasrepparttar 114721 "not hungry" signals that tellrepparttar 114722 brain to quit eating.

"Hungry" is a feeling that middle-class Americans rarely (if ever) experience. Yet we eat, and eat, and eat. We blame it on cravings, emotions, nerves, and habits. But perhaps Dr. Rosedale is right. We may be missingrepparttar 114723 "not hungry" signals that are needed to turn off our hunt for food.

Another thing I noticed while eatingrepparttar 114724 Rosedale way was that I was actually more interested in food while onrepparttar 114725 diet than I was duringrepparttar 114726 days when I fell offrepparttar 114727 program. I mean that I was more interested inrepparttar 114728 taste of food.

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