Health Benefits of Green Tea

Written by Marilyn Pokorney

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Substances in green tea known as catechins have been proven to be effective against many serious diseases.

In experiments with rats green tea catechin restrictsrepparttar 142404 excessive buildup of blood cholesterol.

In Japan, where tea is drank several times a day cancer mortality statistics on Japanese people indicate thatrepparttar 142405 death rate from cancer is significantly lower, for both men and women. Only 254 mg. of catechin begin to show effective results inrepparttar 142406 bloodstream. One cup of green tea contains 100 to 150 mg of catechin. In 1998, Chinese scientists presented details of a six-month study suggesting that drinking green tea improved pre-cancerous oral lesions in patients.

A study byrepparttar 142407 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that consumption of green tea may trigger weight loss by stimulatingrepparttar 142408 body to burn calories and decreasing body fat.

Dutch researchers found that women drinking more than 5 cups daily had a lower risk of severe arteriosclerosis.

In April 1999, researchers at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland published a study claiming that drinking four or more cups of green tea a day may prevent rheumatoid arthritis amongst sufferers.

Why Is This Such A Secret?

Written by Thomas West

I foundrepparttar Fountain of Youth! It's not literallyrepparttar 142399 key to everlasting youth, but I've discovered how to slow downrepparttar 142400 aging process and start looking and feeling better. It's a simple procedure that involves your mind and your nutrition. And I can't understand why more people don't get it. For most of us, our idea of health is something like, "Ok, I'm not sick, I watch what I eat most ofrepparttar 142401 time, I try to exercise, I go torepparttar 142402 doctor and get medications when I can't kick a cold orrepparttar 142403 flu." We accept that losing our hair, getting wrinkled, getting flabby, and having less energy is just a part of getting older. And yet, we all know some eighty-year-old person who looks fifty and has more energy than we do! What's their secret? Why do I feel so lousy and they're doing so great? Is it genetics? Partially, but there's much more to it than that. How we approach our own bodies and spirit mentally has a profound effect on what we really are. Unfortunately, we allow our doctors, our pharmaceutical companies, and our media to tell us how we should feel. My mother is a perfect example of someone who is a victim ofrepparttar 142404 programming our society puts out there. Her health began to decline rapidly about 5 years ago. She suffers from fibromyalgia, allergies, thyroid disorder, anemia, high cholesterol, and had a tumor removed from her shoulder which has leftrepparttar 142405 left half of her body with some serious nerve damage.

She is on twelve, count them, twelve different prescription medications. She spends over $1000 a year on her medicines. To add to that, she has a severe caffiene addiction that requires her to drink a coffee twice a day just to feel "normal." There is no doubt in my mind that she has health problems that need prescriptions to be moderated. There is also no doubt in my mind that she is mentally dependent on all of these medications, thinking that she's "getting older" and that medication isrepparttar 142406 only answer. I am a high school band director by trade, a job that demands frequent 15 hour work days. I used to come home stress out, exhausted, and was incapable of enjoying my two toddlers' antics or having a conversation with my wife. I was amazed at how my life changed forrepparttar 142407 better when someone showed me HOW to think about myself. I no longer allow myself to be a victim in my own life. I control what happens to me. Everything negative that has happened to me today isrepparttar 142408 result of what I manifested for myself inrepparttar 142409 past. Thanks to some good friends, I have discovered thatrepparttar 142410 key to health and happiness lies within my own thinking.

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