Headline Writing Can Lead To Fortunes! Here Are The Basics Of Writing Headlines.

Written by George Dodge

Headlines attract attention. Headlines generate interest. The time spent writing headlines can pay you back many times over.

Do you have a product or service to sell? How do you attract new customers, clients, prospects, leads or patients?

Most likely you attract them throughrepparttar written word in some sort of advertising, articles, or press release. In each case you need a headline.

In fact, every printed document you publish should have a headline on it. Yes, even including your business card, if you have one!

So, what should go in your headline? Below are seven headline ideas that have proved profitable inrepparttar 119718 past. Rememberrepparttar 119719 goal ofrepparttar 119720 headline is to stop your reader dead in their tracks and get them to read further in to your sales copy.

1). Answerrepparttar 119721 question, "What's In It For Me?" Offerrepparttar 119722 reader a big benefit or promise of they continue reading. Here are a few examples: * The Secret of Making People Like You * Who Else Wants A Screen Star Figure? * You Can Laugh At Money Worries - If You Follow This Simple Plan * How to Win Friends and Influence People * Discover The Fortune That Lies Hidden In Your Salary The promise can be either explicit or implied, but it must be clear torepparttar 119723 reader.

2). Tightly target your headlines. Don't write your headline to everyone. A headline written to everyone in reality is written to no one. Grabrepparttar 119724 attention of a very specific target audience by mentioning them by name. Here are some examples of tightly targeted headlines.

* You Can Laugh At Money Worries - If You Follow This Simple Plan * Discover The Fortune That Lies Hidden In Your Salary * To People Who Want To Write - But Can't Get Started * To Men Who Want TO Quit Work Someday * Forrepparttar 119725 Woman Who Is older Than She Looks * CAR Owners ... Save ONE GALLON OF GAS In Every TEN * GIRLS...Want Quick CURLS? * Attention Small Business Owners: Why Doesn't Your Advertising Work? Finally, You Can Stop Wasting Good Money On Useless Advertising! FREE Report Reveals How To Get More Customers In A Month Than You Now Get All Year - Guaranteed! Call 1-877-232-9362, Toll-Free, 24 hr., For FREE Recorded Message Now! 3). Do you have something new and exciting to offer? Try writing headline like these:

* New Cake-Improver Gets Your Compliments Galore! * Great New Discovery Kills Kitchen Odors Quick! - Makes Indoor Air "Country Fresh" * Announcing... The New Edition Of The Encyclopedia That Makes It Fun To Learn Things * Announcing The New FORD CARS For 2006 * Breakthrough Money-Making Secrets That Sex Sites Do Not Want You to Find Out About - Uncovered And Revealed Inside! * Breakthrough Internet Marketing Group Uncovers The Secrets To Getting Rich On The Web Using Simple Math Strategies! 4) Got a quick and easy solution to a problem? People are always looking for faster and easier ways to do things, so let them know.

3 Ways to Gain and Keep Customers Using Postcards…

Written by Brett Curry

In today’s competitive (sometimes cutthroat) marketplace, savvy business owners need to constantly look for ways to get and, more importantly, keep their customers. When used properly postcards offer a great opportunity to do both.

1.Mail systematically to a targeted database of prospects. Most people who use postcard mailings as a way to acquire new customers mail to a list once and then stop. It’s far more effective (provided that your postcards have an enticing offer, and provided that you are mailing to a group of “ripe” prospects) to mail regularly torepparttar same group of potential customers. Think about it this way. How many times have you received something inrepparttar 119717 mail or seen an ad on TV and thought, “that’s a good idea, I need to look into that.” Only to forget about itrepparttar 119718 next day and never take action. That’s just human nature. And that’s why it’s better to mail systematically and regularly to a group of prospects than it is to just mail once or twice. It may take 3 or 4 contacts with a customer before they are willing to do business with you.

2.Systematically contact your customers. Once a business gains a new customerrepparttar 119719 tendency is to do nothing but hope thatrepparttar 119720 customer will come back. Bad idea. It’s far better to be proactive and mail monthly, weekly, quarterly, etc. to your current customers offering them special incentives, additional products, or just to simply thank them for their business. It’s amazing what kind of growth you can achieve if you get even a small percentage of your customers to make an additional purchase or two throughoutrepparttar 119721 year.

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