
Written by Dr. Michael L. Johnson

The migraine headache is perhapsrepparttar best known special type of headache. It is really calledrepparttar 143368 migraine syndrome. By syndrome we mean that a lot of things accompanyrepparttar 143369 headache - all of them bad. Examples of these include dizziness, visual problems, “spots” beforerepparttar 143370 eyes, redness, swelling, tearing ofrepparttar 143371 eyes, muscle contraction, irritability, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea. These symptoms often arise beforerepparttar 143372 headache hits. The headache itself may last for few minutes to a few days, andrepparttar 143373 severity may be that of minor discomfort allrepparttar 143374 way up to immobilizing agony.

The migraine pain is most common inrepparttar 143375 temple, but may be experienced anywhere inrepparttar 143376 head, face and neck.

A variety of headaches closely related torepparttar 143377 migraine isrepparttar 143378 cluster headache. Attacks come on abruptly with intense throbbing pain arising high inrepparttar 143379 nostril and spreading to behindrepparttar 143380 eye onrepparttar 143381 same side. Sometimesrepparttar 143382 forehead is also affected. The attacks tend to occur from once to several times daily, in clusters lasting weeks or even months. Without apparent reasonrepparttar 143383 cluster subsides as quickly at it began.

So what putsrepparttar 143384 ache in headache? It’srepparttar 143385 pain sensitive structures ofrepparttar 143386 head that arerepparttar 143387 culprits. These arerepparttar 143388 arteries ofrepparttar 143389 brain and skull, tissues surroundingrepparttar 143390 head veins,repparttar 143391 dura mata covering overrepparttar 143392 brain, and certain nerves called cranial nerves. When these parts are inflamed, stretched, pulled or under pressure, any type of headache may be caused.

Dystonia/Tremor Disorder

Written by Dr. Michael L. Johnson

Dystonia is not a new condition. It affects thousands of people every year. Contrary to popular belief, dystonia is not a normal consequence of growing older. As a matter of fact,repparttar onset of dystonia can be at any age. Dystonia is not a discriminatory condition, as it will affect men, women or children.

Presentation of dystonia may be varied. Classically, dystonia is defined as a movement disorder, which can affect any part ofrepparttar 143367 body. The abnormal movement can be focal, such as twitching of an eyelid, or global, which could includerepparttar 143368 arm and hand, a leg, or evenrepparttar 143369 entire upper torso. A dystonic movement disorder can also include abnormal muscle tone, twitching, or an unusual angulation of a joint. There are certain characteristic movement patterns that are specific and diagnostic to certain regions ofrepparttar 143370 brain. Depending onrepparttar 143371 area ofrepparttar 143372 brain involved withrepparttar 143373 tremor, different symptoms may be apparent.

There are three primary types of dystonia: basal ganglionic, mesolimbic, and dystonia fromrepparttar 143374 cerebellum. All three types are fromrepparttar 143375 brain or brainstem, but presentation can be clinically different with symptoms.

Historically, treatment for dystonia has been surgery, drug therapy and/or botulinum toxin A injections intorepparttar 143376 affected muscle. Botulin toxin paralyzesrepparttar 143377 muscle tissue temporarily. It does not fixrepparttar 143378 original cause ofrepparttar 143379 dystonia. At best,repparttar 143380 effectiveness ofrepparttar 143381 botulinum toxin A is three to four months. At this time,repparttar 143382 body develops an auto-immune response to treatments, thereforerepparttar 143383 effectiveness ofrepparttar 143384 injections is diminished. And until recently, this wasrepparttar 143385 only effective treatment.

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