"He Hate Me": Turning Their Bad Attitude Into Your Great Results

Written by Brent Filson

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Word count: 1400

Summary: "He Hate Me" is one ofrepparttar 119442 most famous nicknames in American football. But it's real importance isn't to football but leadership. Understandingrepparttar 119443 leadership lesson of He Hate Me will notably increase your leadership effectiveness.

"He Hate Me": Turning Their Bad Attitude Into Your Great Results By Brent Filson

"He Hate Me" wasrepparttar 119444 nickname of Rod Smart, a leading rusher in 2002 forrepparttar 119445 Las Vegas Outlaws ofrepparttar 119446 now defunct XFL pro football league. Looking for an edge,repparttar 119447 XFL allowed players to put nicknames on their uniforms. "I was always saying, 'he hate me,' all through camp in Vegas," Smart said. "If I didn't getrepparttar 119448 ball, I'd talk torepparttar 119449 other running backs and say, 'he hate me, man; this coach hate me.' I was always saying that." Smart put He Hate Me onrepparttar 119450 back of his number 32 jersey, and nowrepparttar 119451 name lives in lore even though XFL has been out of business for years.

When I first saw Rod Smart play and his "He Hate Me" jersey, I thought, "Forget about football. That's a leadership lesson!" That's because "He Hate Me" and leadership often go hand-in-hand.

Clearly, leadership is not about winning a popularity contest, it's about getting results -- not just average results but more results faster continually. To lead people to getrepparttar 119452 latter,you often must challenge them to do not want they want to do but what they don't want to do.

That's where "He Hate Me" comes in. When you move people from being comfortable getting average results to being uncomfortable doing what's needed to get great results, strong feelings, hatred and anger, are often triggered. Having people resent you, even hate you, comes withrepparttar 119453 territory of being a leader. In fact, if you are not getting a portion ofrepparttar 119454 people you lead angry with you, you may not be challenging them enough.

This does not mean you let their anger fester. You absolutely must deal with it. After all, you can't motivate angry, resentful, "He Hate Me" people to be your cause leaders.

Here is my four-step process to help you deal with angry people you lead. (1) RECOGNIZE. (2) IDENTIFY. (3) VALIDATE. (4)TRANSLATE.

RECOGNIZE: Recognize that if you don't face up torepparttar 119455 anger ofrepparttar 119456 people you lead, that anger will eventually wind up stabbing you inrepparttar 119457 back.

Many leaders could care less about people's anger. They say in effect: "People should do what I tell them to do. Period. Their feelings are irrelevant." If 'my-way-or-the-highway' is your way of leading, don't engage in this process. I submit, however, that such leadership is far less effective thanrepparttar 119458 leadership that motivates people to be your ardent cause leaders.

Making motivation happen involves first understanding if people are angry with you or not. Often, people won't tell you they are angry. They'll try hide it from you either out of embarrassment, trepidation, or wanting a sense of control.

Here are ways you can recognize that people are angry with you. The first is that you can see it on their faces or their body language. The second is that you can tell it in a drop off in their performance. The third is that you hear from other people they are angry. The fourth is they actually tell you they are angry.

IDENTIFY: Identifyrepparttar 119459 causes of their anger. This may not be as simple or as easy as you think. They may be angry, but they may not want to talk about why they are angry or even admit to you that they are. Don't back them in a corner. Don't make judgments. Don't get angry yourself. Get interested. Don't say, for instance, "You're angry ... " Instead, ask open-ended questions like, "Are you angry with me?" -- a question that seems onrepparttar 119460 surface only slightly different but that will make a big difference inrepparttar 119461 consequences of your interactions with them. Once you and they have identified that they are angry, come to an agreement as torepparttar 119462 actual reasons why. Drill through superficial reasons torepparttar 119463 bedrock of why. They may say they are angry because you are giving them more work to do. But digging further, you may find out that they believerepparttar 119464 supposed extra work will set them up for failure, and they might lose their jobs. So, they are really angry not simply for work-load reasons but for job security reasons.

3 Tests to Hire the Best

Written by Michael Mercer, Ph.D.

Question: What’srepparttar easiest, cheapest and quickest way to have profitable, productive, and honest employees?

Answer: Hire profitable, productive, honest people!

Unfortunately, managers often hire underachievers or losers.

Fortunately, pre-employment tests give managers a simple-to-use, quick, customizable way to hirerepparttar 119440 best.

Only 1 Reason to Screen Applicants The sole reason to assess applicants is to predict – or forecast – how an applicant will behave on-the-job BEFORE you hirerepparttar 119441 person. It proves crucial to prediction this before hiring an applicant, rather than finding outrepparttar 119442 expensive way after you putrepparttar 119443 person on your payroll.

The main methods used to predict if an applicant will succeed on-the-job are A. Interviews B. Reference Checks C. Pre-employment Tests

Alarming Research Large-scale research discovered most interviewers and reference checks make lousy predictions of actual on-the-job performance. Interviews and reference checks often are about as useful as flipping a coin!

Onrepparttar 119444 bright side, pre-employment tests prove to berepparttar 119445 best forecasters of actual on-the-job performance. Reason: Tests are developed with scientific research techniques so they objectively predict how an applicant will act on-the-job. In contrast, interviews and reference checks typically offer only subjective “guesstimates” of an applicant’s work potential. 3 Types of Tests

Traits required for job success boil down to A + B + C: A = Abilities – mental abilities or brainpower to dorepparttar 119446 job B = Behavior – interpersonal skills, personality and motivations needed to succeed C = Character – work ethic, trustworthiness, and no substance abuse As such, A + B + C = Success on-the-job. Importantly, you can use tests to predict an applicant’s Abilities, Behavior, and Character.

A = Abilities Tests Did you ever hire someone and, later, horrifyingly discoverrepparttar 119447 person hadrepparttar 119448 IQ of tire pressure? That person did not have brainpower to (a) learnrepparttar 119449 job or (b) solve problems on-the-job. Abilities tests help you avoid hiring people who lack brainpower to learn and dorepparttar 119450 job. Five abilities tests tell you how wellrepparttar 119451 applicant handles 1. Problem-Solving 2. Vocabulary 3. Arithmetic 4. Grammar, Spelling, & Word Use 5. Small Details

B = Behavior Tests Each job requires crucial behaviors. For example, my research shows superstar sales reps often are money motivated, optimistic, and assertive. Many jobs require teamwork, friendliness, and customer service. To help you, behavior tests forecast applicants’ 1. Interpersonal Skills 2. Personality 3. Motivations

For instance, a behavior test predicts three interpersonal skills: (a) friendliness, (b) assertiveness, and (c) teamwork. Five personality traits assessed include (a) energy level (b) optimism, (c) objectivity, (d) procedure-following, and (e) desire to focus on feelings or facts.

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