He's Faithful

Written by Demetria Zinga

Every morning I wake up torepparttar sound of chirping birds, singing their love songs to God. I often wonder how it is that birds are so cheerful, even on cloudy days. Whenrepparttar 147893 skies were overcast and I wanted nothing more than just to sleep, evenrepparttar 147894 sound of those cheerful birds didn’t rouse me.

Sleep is a big word for me. A new mother of an active toddler, I’ve developed an appreciation for mothers of two or more children, especially, who have succeeded at parenting, despiterepparttar 147895 odds,repparttar 147896 challenges, andrepparttar 147897 struggles. They are an inspiration to me and help me to see what it means to be balanced.

I can’t help but to ask God, “okay, Lord, another day of work, work, work. How do you expect me to do this?” Working a full time job and balancing family life had been quite a challenge – both hectic, and nauseating at times. Wanting to give up atrepparttar 147898 end of each day, I only woke uprepparttar 147899 next morning to a nest of chirping birds, seemingly reminding me that God’s mercies are new every morning.

I’ve found that in spite ofrepparttar 147900 difficulties life brings, God’s presence is always there. He lets me know that He is with me and that He’ll never leave me lonely. Even in my daily challenges, which may seem minute and trivial to others, but obviously roadblocks to me, God is an ever present help. What a faithful Savior!

Practicing Early Time With God

Written by Demetria Zinga

“Spending time with God is something every Christian woman should set aside time for.” Perhaps this is a fairly common statement that we’ve heard all too often. We all know this to be true, and yet it still seems to be a most incredible struggle to obtain that blessed time with God each and every day of our lives. So, how do we wear allrepparttar hats and still have time to be still and quiet in God’s presence? How do we makerepparttar 147892 time to sit quietly before our Savior when our toddlers are stampeding through our living rooms with permanent markers only inches away from our furniture and walls? When do we findrepparttar 147893 time to say a prayer long enough to our Savior before we are interrupted with “MOM! She hit me!”, or “Honey, I can’t find my keys!” True, we all wear different hats—some of us are mothers, some of us are married, many of us work from home or have full time jobs outside ofrepparttar 147894 home…but one thing we all have in common is our need forrepparttar 147895 peace of God in our lives. We ALL needrepparttar 147896 Lord!

With that said, let’s talk for a minute about some practical things we can do each day to allowrepparttar 147897 Lord first place in our lives. We are not only discussing our time in general with God each day, butrepparttar 147898 fact that we can also give Godrepparttar 147899 first of our day. “Impossible!” you might exclaim…but it’s true. We can do this! I am a living witness that despiterepparttar 147900 busy-ness of each morning, it is VERY possible for me and anyone else to give Godrepparttar 147901 very first few minutes of each of my day. Tryrepparttar 147902 following steps for 21 days and see if you’ll notice a difference in your outlook on life. Also note any changes in your relationship with God (you’ll most definitely feel more aware of how closerepparttar 147903 Lord really is to you, especially during many of your stressful times)! In addition, take note of your relationships to your family and friends, and to people around you. As you spend time, and EARLY time withrepparttar 147904 Lord, you will find your relationships with others changing as YOUR heart changes. Your heart will change because you start to become more like Christ as you draw closer to Him in fellowship each and every morning when you first awake. Here’s how I do it:

1.)Upon awaking each morning, thank God for a brand new day. Believe it or not, this very small act of gratitude takes you a long way during your stress throughoutrepparttar 147905 day. 2.)Look out your window. Appreciaterepparttar 147906 nature. Thank God for what you see. Observerepparttar 147907 weather. Whether it be raining or sunny, thank God forrepparttar 147908 weather. If it’s raining, don’t complain, but thank God forrepparttar 147909 rain. Thank Him forrepparttar 147910 sun. Thank Him forrepparttar 147911 birds inrepparttar 147912 air, andrepparttar 147913 trees. Thank God for His handiwork. 3.)If your children and husband are still asleep, that means you still have time to spend with God! So get started! Open your bible and read some scripture, then MEDITATE on it. Think about what it means to you. Consider how you might applyrepparttar 147914 scriptures to your life that day.

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