Haven’t you had enough?

Written by Brian Holte

Is your inner critic giving you attitude? Just think what you have right now, right in front of your face. A computer monitor, andrepparttar world wide web. What are you doing with it? Are you taking advantage ofrepparttar 123529 power thatrepparttar 123530 internet has placed neatly in your hand, waiting for you too takerepparttar 123531 next step? Only one problem..your inner critic is saying no no, you can’t do that your not good enough,repparttar 123532 mental battle goes back and forth for days and weeks on end like a never ending boxing match. Blow after blow, you just keep on taking it. Is this you? Hey don’t feel bad, I was in that same position and it took me a long time to grab one of my special gold plated shovels that I had placed inrepparttar 123533 corner for a rainy day, raise that baby up over my head, flex allrepparttar 123534 muscles that I didn’t have and with allrepparttar 123535 force I could muster I gave my inner critic a really bad case of flat head syndrome. Did it work? You bet, more instilled confidence in myself,repparttar 123536 self gratitude of knowing that people actually like

Here's Your Calm During The Storm Of Discouragement

Written by Richard Vegas

Have you ever known someone like this? "A person who knows how to start well, but finds it difficult to keep going"? A person whose successes are dependent onrepparttar quality of someone else's encouragement and motivation? Someone who consistently let's discouragement getrepparttar 123528 better of him? Ever found yourself like that? There's hope, read on.

Don't Worry, Be Happy! &^%$%^

Yeah right! How many times have you wished you could bit**-slap somebody for saying that atrepparttar 123529 moment you least needed it? I know I have a bunch. The problem is, most ofrepparttar 123530 time you're in a moment of discouragement when that is said. So, those words come across as being insensitive and cold blooded.

Our first reaction is to lash out atrepparttar 123531 person who said it, to give them a piece of our mind. And, sometimes we even tell them to stay out of our life and mind their own business. Of course, we really don't mean it; we're just reacting torepparttar 123532 discouragement that has pounced upon us.

But, have you ever considered this? The other person doesn't really feel your discouragement. Oh! Really, you say: Yeah, big revelation. Be nice to me now. Seriously, if they did, and especially if it was a loved one, they would never say words that would rattle your cage. But,repparttar 123533 discouragement at hand makes us want to take out our saber and cut off their right ear.

Then what happens is,repparttar 123534 other person, who atrepparttar 123535 moment was probably feeling pretty chipper and happy, suddenly feelsrepparttar 123536 fury of your wrath so they take out their boxing gloves and then we got a full scale war on our hands. It all started because one person felt discouraged and now we got two people pi**ed off worse than a couple of fire breathing dragons.

Makes Your Hair Stand On End!

At a moment when you are really in your groove those words just roll off like water off a duck's back. But, discouragement can changerepparttar 123537 whole face ofrepparttar 123538 situation. It can cause us to even sabotage our own best efforts. It can takerepparttar 123539 best laid plans of mice and men and turn them into mush.

Do not underestimaterepparttar 123540 potential effects of discouragement. It is like a virus; it spreads and can become so contagious that it acts like a permanent personality trait. Make no bones about it; it can make your dream not worthrepparttar 123541 powder to blow it up. Whenrepparttar 123542 roots get that deep, it takes military strength anecdotes to rid it.

A Thief In The Night!

Discouragement has probably caused as many business failures as lack of capital, because it is first to show up. The discouragement shows up long beforerepparttar 123543 money runs out. Thenrepparttar 123544 day by day emotional warfare begins andrepparttar 123545 potential to self-sabotage everything we are trying to accomplish. At that point;repparttar 123546 money runs out!

Atrepparttar 123547 end, we blame it onrepparttar 123548 lack of money, our spouse, our next door neighbor, our cat, or anything that makes us look not at fault and out of our control. After all, if we could have stopped it, we would have. But, what we really did was try to stoprepparttar 123549 effects ofrepparttar 123550 failure before trying to stoprepparttar 123551 discouragement that was fueling it.

Consider this: take a forest fire out of control; it is much easier to cut offrepparttar 123552 fuel than to drown it. Just clear areas outsiderepparttar 123553 fire and it'll burn itself out. Ifrepparttar 123554 fuel line torepparttar 123555 engine is not cut off, then it's pretty safe to bet our efforts to stoprepparttar 123556 failure will not succeed. Succeeding at any task in life is hard enough without allowing discouragement to hamper our efforts. A mind filled with discouragement will never haverepparttar 123557 motivation to keep going.

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