Have you been Burned in MLM?????

Written by Sam Bennani

Hello ,

Allow me to share with yourepparttar Ameriplan Opportunity. Almost everyone would like to arrive at financial independence but very few people findrepparttar 103748 vehicle to get him or her there. I believe that AmeriplanUSA is that vehicle for many people forrepparttar 103749 reasons that I will address shortly. You know inrepparttar 103750 times we live in, there is very little inrepparttar 103751 market place that offers either market stability, or market longevity any more. Downsizing, layoffs, and folding companies are almost an everyday thing when we readrepparttar 103752 news or watch it. People are not sure whatrepparttar 103753 next day will bring for their jobs, income and family. But that's where YOU and this opportunity comes in. Question? Do you thinkrepparttar 103754 funeral home is going out of business any time soon? Of course not! Well, neither will we. We are a 12 Year-old Company based in Plano Texas. We have what people both want and need and can afford. It's a life necessity and not a fad. As long asrepparttar 103755 world exists we have a market and it really does not matter aboutrepparttar 103756 economy. I think you can agree that this demand will never cease to exist. That offers both market stability and longevity. It also provides income security through a vested income that won’t leave your household for generations to come. From generation to generation we are here to stay. Consider these as reasons Ameriplan will make a difference for you as a business opportunity. 7 out of 10 people do not have Dental Coverage; yet they all need and desire some kind of coverage, after all; almost everyone has teeth! We at AmeriplanUSA are filling a great void inrepparttar 103757 marketplace with a service that nearly everyone will have to use anyway!

Profit From Information

Written by Jonathan R Taylor

In today’s information age, more people are learning to turn their intellectual property into lifetime streams of income. “Infopreneurs”, as they are known, are creating and selling information products inrepparttar form of books, newsletters, reports, e-books, audio tapes/CD’s, and subscription based web sites. Creating this information usually means writing on a subject that you have some expertise or passion on. Occasionally, this information doesn’t have to be your own.

Robert Allen in his book, “Multiple Streams of Income”, shares a story of Cindy Cashman who took an old idea, added some creativity to it and made over $1 million. She wrote a 96 page book entitled, Everything Men Know about Woman without using a publisher. The funny part -repparttar 103747 book is completely blank!

Stan Miller had collected quotes fromrepparttar 103748 time he was 16 years old up until he was married. For Christmas one year, he and his wife decided to gather all ofrepparttar 103749 quotes he had saved overrepparttar 103750 years and have them printed and bound to give out as Christmas gift books. The books were such a hit, that they eventually sold 1 million copies.

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