Have You Tested Your Theme Against Your Plot?

Written by Nick Vernon

Creative Writing Tips –

How we usually beginrepparttar preparation stage inrepparttar 128860 writing process is…

We think of an idea for a story We think of a suitable theme We plot

Once we come up with a theme and we begin plotting, we have to see howrepparttar 128861 theme andrepparttar 128862 plot match up. Sometimes as we plot we find thatrepparttar 128863 theme we had initially chosen won’t do.

For example…

‘Winning The Lottery Makes Your Life Easier’

Plotting with this theme in mind, we have our characters pay off all their debts, go on endless shopping sprees, go on holidays, etc. We find though that this won’t make a very interesting story. So we spice it up, adding torepparttar 128864 theme or coming up with a different one.

“Winning The Lottery Makes Your Life Easier But Everything Has Its Price.”

We can showrepparttar 128865 characters livingrepparttar 128866 life ofrepparttar 128867 rich for a while before they realize that being wealthy has its problems too...

Does The Title Reflect The Story?

Written by Nick Vernon

Short Story Writing Tips –

We all have different tastes in what we like to read. Some have a particular taste for horror, while others prefer romance or fantasy or crime stories, etc. My favourite genre in short stories is horror, so oncerepparttar title grabs my attention, I will enthusiastically readrepparttar 128857 story.

You may want to leave your readers in no doubt ofrepparttar 128858 type of story you have written. That’s fine. You want to grab allrepparttar 128859 fans out there and/or recruit new readers intorepparttar 128860 genre you are so fond of writing.

So, how do you select a title that reflects your story?

Shouldrepparttar 128861 title always reflectrepparttar 128862 story?

Not always. But your title must have some sort of connection with your story.

Is There A Connection Between Your Title And Your Story?

If you choose not to haverepparttar 128863 title reflectrepparttar 128864 story that’s fine too. But there should be some relevance between them.

If, for instance, your story is about a man walking onrepparttar 128865 moon, then it wouldn’t make sense to title it, ‘Walking on Mars.’

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