Have You Settled On First Choice When Choosing A Title?

Written by Nick Vernon

Short Story Writing Tips -

We’ve established what a title should be and we’ve also established your title is your selling tool. So if it can make or breakrepparttar sale of your story, then we’ll have to agree that it is extremely important. How much emphasis have you placed when selecting a title?

1)You can’t write a story before titling it, so you jotted downrepparttar 128866 first thing that came to mind.

2)You added it as an afterthought when you completedrepparttar 128867 story.

Is The Theme Reinforced In The Ending?

Written by Nick Vernon

Creative Writing Tips –

By now you should have an idea that your theme has to reach its conclusion just as your story does. But our theme has to do more than reach its conclusion – it has to be reinforced inrepparttar end and by doing this, it will strengthen all that we have said in our story.

So if we took a theme…

‘Persist and inrepparttar 128863 end you will succeed’

And I showed my character working hard to achieve his goals, persisting, even if at times those goals seemed unreachable, then I would’ve showed that all his hard work did pay off inrepparttar 128864 end. By having him succeed, it would reinforcerepparttar 128865 theme that had been running throughoutrepparttar 128866 story.

Let me further illustrate this point by giving you a more detailed example.

The theme is…

‘Persistence pays off’

The story is about a writer, who has been writing short stories for years, but has not succeeded in getting published yet.

In your story you will show his persistence with…

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