Have You Forked Your Fish's Tail?

Written by Dan Pednleton

“Have You Forked Your Fish?” Written by: Dan Pendleton www.ez-money-maker.com

Hello Internet Friend,

It’s been a few weeks since my last article and I pray that all is well with you.

You know, I didn’t how hard it would be to lose a loved one (my mother), and how long something like this would linger on. It’s tough! But life goes on and we must rebound.

Recently while sitting inrepparttar hospital room by my mother’s bed side, my wife, both my sisters and I were talking about old times and swapping stories when my older sister, Gail, started to tell us about her and her husband’s fishing adventure and how she was able to would catch more fish than him.

As she continued, she explained to us how she was now able to bait her own hook and removerepparttar 116654 fish fromrepparttar 116655 hook once she caught it, without his help. She was quite proud of herself because she had never been fishing until she met Johnny, her present husband. Now, she’s an expert.

What a thrill! I knew she was a fisherman(woman) at heart.

As time passed and Gail continued with her fishing story, she finally came to a point that absolutely floored all of us so much that we thought we were going to have a massive heart attack and be admitted torepparttar 116656 hospital ourselves. We still laugh about it nearly two months later.

What’s amazing is, that sis was so serious I don’t believe she realized what she said until she said it, andrepparttar 116657 way she said it.

And, without hesitation she launches out withrepparttar 116658 all too important remark, “and I forked that fish’s tail.”

Trying our best to hold backrepparttar 116659 tears which flowed at a rapid pace from laughter, one of us, and I don’t know which one, asked sis whatrepparttar 116660 devil was she talking about!

“I mean you know, that’s when you take your knife and cut that fish’s tail so you know it was you if you catch it again.” she replied.

10 Sales Tips for Small Business Owners

Written by Peggie Arvidson-Dailey

Running a business is easy compared torepparttar act of selling. As a small business owner you started your business to deliver a superior product or service, not to become a salesperson. None-the-less you must master basic sales skills or risk losing your business due to lack of clients! Here are 1o tips to help you turn those inquiries into sales.

1.Definerepparttar 116653 benefits torepparttar 116654 customer. You’ve found their pain, now you need to come up with a cure by answering their question, “What’s in it For ME?” For instance, if you are pet-care provider you “make it possible for a couple to enjoy their honeymoon in Hawaii without feeling guilty about leaving their pet.”

2.Qualify before you present. Okay, you know their pain and can cure it. You now need to know ifrepparttar 116655 person onrepparttar 116656 other end ofrepparttar 116657 phone or e-mail query is likely to buy from you. Take time up front to ensure this a good prospect for you. When you qualify your prospect you want to know: a.Is this personrepparttar 116658 decision maker? b.Does this person have a real need for what I’m selling? c.Does this person haverepparttar 116659 budget necessary to pay for my product or service? d.When does this person wish to start using my product or service?

3.Only sell torepparttar 116660 decision maker. No matter how well your product or service solves a client’s problem, and no matter how wonderfully you articulate that benefit – if you are selling to someone who doesn’t haverepparttar 116661 authority to purchase your product or service, you’ve wasted your time.

4.It’s aboutrepparttar 116662 relationship! Every interaction you have withrepparttar 116663 potential client either builds or destroys their trust in you. As Henry Ward Beecher said, “Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never excuse yourself.” This a great mantra for anyone involved inrepparttar 116664 sales cycle. Trust takes a long time to build and it’s very easy to destroy. Make sure every part of your relationship withrepparttar 116665 prospect is held to your highest standard.

5.Preparation, preparation, preparation. Do you know what you wantrepparttar 116666 customer do at every step ofrepparttar 116667 process? Set goals for each step of your sales process, as well as overall sales goals forrepparttar 116668 month, quarter and year. Create an outline and script to get you from an inquiry to a sale. Tweak your outlines and scripts to fit each individual customer. One size does not fit all.

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