Have You Ever Been to Nantucket?

Written by Pamela Geiss

I don't know if you rememberrepparttar television show "Wings" or not. It was a cute comedy show whose reruns are now being shown onrepparttar 120941 Nick at Nite Network about two brothers who ran a small plane service onrepparttar 120942 island of Nantucket.

Anyway,repparttar 120943 other night I hadrepparttar 120944 show on and a girl was talking about howrepparttar 120945 travel business had risen 15% on Nantucket since she started working forrepparttar 120946 agency. One ofrepparttar 120947 guys made that comment that it was cold there inrepparttar 120948 winter with absolutely nothing to do, so how had she managed that. She said she started thinking about what kind of person would really love being in a cold and barren place inrepparttar 120949 middle of winter and realized it would be a masochist. So, she looked up societies and foundrepparttar 120950 Masochist Society and sent them a promo on travel to Nantucket inrepparttar 120951 winter. Lo and behold, a bunch of them made reservations!

Now, of course this was meant to be funny, but I thought how brilliant her idea really was. Talk about targeting your advertising! This was a perfect example of a person truly thinking about her target market.

And that's what you need to do to be successful in your business. If you spam or just send out ads anywhere and to anyone, you are wasting your time and money and resources. Stop and think about it: You would get many more sales if you target your market and send to those who would be interested in what you are selling. Would you rather send an email out to 50,000 horse lovers when you are selling dog shampoo or sendrepparttar 120952 same email to 5,000 members ofrepparttar 120953 American Kennel Club? Which one do you think would get yourepparttar 120954 most orders for dog shampoo? It's not alwaysrepparttar 120955 number of emails you are sending that gets yourepparttar 120956 best results.

11 Secrets to Direct Response Marketing

Written by Andrew Wroblewski

Here Are The 11 Secrets To Direct Response Marketing - How To Get More Business To Come To You In A Month Than Most Get All Year! Discover The Real Reason Virtually All Businesses Never Make The Money They Could…And Should Be Making!

Secret #1: Marketing Is Everything...Here's Why! Fromrepparttar first day you got into business, you were taught that knowledge about what you do was what you needed to become successful. That your "professionalism" will berepparttar 120940 key to success. That people will come to you once they hear about how "good" you are. You were probably givenrepparttar 120941 age old "wisdom" that says if you build a better mousetrap,repparttar 120942 world will beat a path to your door! "Yeah, right!" Which brings us to our first, and possibly, most important point: Knowing how to get customers, clients or patients is infinitely more important than any other knowledge you may attain!

Secret #2: If You Want Your Phone To Ring, Your Advertising Must Get People's Attention...And Arouse Emotions! If you remember just one secret from this article, remember to follow this proven five-step formula in every bit of marketing and advertising you do: 1. Get Attention! 2. Arouse interest and emotion. 3. Tell an interesting story in a believable way. 4. Offer an incentive to take action...NOW. 5. Ask for action, and make it easy for people to do it.

Secret # 3: Typical Yellow Pages Ads Get Typically Lousy Results! Another example of boring advertising is found in any Yellow Pages anywhere inrepparttar 120943 country. Most Yellow Pages ads are just a big blur! They all look exactlyrepparttar 120944 same and do nothing to get anyone's attention! Can you spot one truly noticeable and different reason why a prospective customer or client or patient would be motivated to pick uprepparttar 120945 telephone and call one ofrepparttar 120946 companies listed? The problem? Yellow pages "advertising" like this is just one big blur of sameness. There's nothing unique. Everybody looksrepparttar 120947 same and saysrepparttar 120948 same stuff. You could literally swap names and phone numbers onrepparttar 120949 ads, and no one would even knowrepparttar 120950 difference! To be a successful advertiser and marketer, you must always remember that...People Don't Read Ads That Look Like Advertising and Sales Pitches! The Secret Is All In The Headlines and Topics You Use!

Secret #4: News-Style Advertising Gets Up To 500% Greater Response Than Image Advertising! Yes, you read that right. It's a proven advertising fact...News-style advertising gets up to 500% greater response than color brochures, business cards, and all other forms of product or image advertising. Do you know why? News style advertising doesn't look like advertising! It looks like news. Very few people read advertising....but a lot of people read news and other stories. If It Looks Like Advertising, Most People Won't Read It.

Secret #5: Here’s The Amazing Advertising System That Attracts Qualified, Motivated, Interested and Ready-To-Do Business Prospects…Without Any Wasted Traditional Advertising Or Cold Marketing!! Here’s some common sense that seems to be missing in most businesses: You should never advertise or prospect to anyone who isn’t a likely to buy customer inrepparttar 120951 very near future. We find thatrepparttar 120952 highest profit system is to generate leads who are interested, and then do follow-up marketing torepparttar 120953 leads that express interest, and to them ONLY! What better list could you mail to (other than your past customers) than people who have responded to your offer (usually free information) and said, “Tell me more, I’m interested.”? This kind of list, (when marketed to properly withrepparttar 120954 right kind of killer advertising copy) can yield results and profits beyond anything you’ve ever imagined!

Secret # 6: Make It Easy And Non-Threatening For People To Respond To Your Emotionally Driven, News Style Ads! One ofrepparttar 120955 most amazing things to us is how many advertisers make it hard to respond to your ads. With traditional, boring, cute and clever advertising, it’s rare indeed to have someone want to respond. But, on that rare occasion, you make it even harder for them to respond by doing things like not having a toll free number they can call, or a 24 hour free recorded message attached to a toll free number, and so on. Real live testing has shown that virtually in all cases, where someone ran tests offeringrepparttar 120956 exact same things in their ads, withrepparttar 120957 only difference being a toll free number versus a local number…the toll free number wins! And, when tests are done withrepparttar 120958 ads offeringrepparttar 120959 exact same things except one has a plain toll free number andrepparttar 120960 other has a toll free 24 hour recorded message…the recorded message wins hands down, time after time.

Secret #7: TEST, TEST, TEST! The importance of this topic cannot be stressed enough. You must develop a mentality to always test everything you do, before rolling out in a big way. Testing isrepparttar 120961 most important way to be a smart survivor! Don't ever feel like something is a failure if it doesn't work. No matter what you do, you're not seeing failure or success. You're just seeing results. Nothing more. Nothing less. Just results. Ifrepparttar 120962 results are bad, then you need to adjust what you're doing. Ifrepparttar 120963 results are good, then do more and bigger ofrepparttar 120964 same thing! The bottom line is this: The only true measure of your idea is whatrepparttar 120965 market tells you with real, live testing! Allrepparttar 120966 conjecture inrepparttar 120967 world will not replace a well-designed test! And testing with emotional direct response marketing increases your success rate more than any other form of advertising!

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