Hard to Change?

Written by Miami Phillips

How many times inrepparttar past have you tried to change something about you?

Have you read an article discussingrepparttar 130071 benefits of time management and made a promise to your Self to followrepparttar 130072 steps? Or, mayberepparttar 130073 last seminar or teleclass you attended had some great ideas for changing your financial standing. Writing a book? Losing some weight? Self improvement?

How far did you get?

Don't worry, you are not alone. Most of us at one point or another decide to do something for ourselves or someone else. We haverepparttar 130074 best intentions in mind. We might even make some changes towards our goals, and go so far as to take some action steps. Have you ever bought an exercise machine? Yes, me too.

What happens to us? Why is it so hard to make these changes? There are several reasons.

The first and hardest challenge is our old friendrepparttar 130075 ego. Our ego is completely happy right where it is. Furthermore our ego absolutely hates changes and will go to great lengths to convince you that change isrepparttar 130076 worst idea you ever had. In fact, your ego will actually fabricate fear and pain in order to keeprepparttar 130077 status quo!

We have all heard it takes 21 days to create a new habit. We could changerepparttar 130078 statement to: it takes 21 days to break our ego of its old habits!

Another challenge is our network of friends and family. They don't want us to change either. If you change, they have to change as well. Since they know you as you are, if you change to something new they will have to adapt torepparttar 130079 new you. Now your friends and families' egos are all up in arms too!

Doing Less in More Time

Written by Jan Marie Dore

Overrepparttar years,repparttar 130068 compelling challenge of time, priorities, and life balance has been a frequently mentioned concern of individuals. Our lives have sped up so much that we often feel that we are losing track of who we are. And, in our rush to achieve ‘more’ in less time,repparttar 130069 things that really are most important to us seem to always drop torepparttar 130070 bottom ofrepparttar 130071 priority list. We often approach our daily to-do’s thinking that if we can just cross every completed task off our list, we might find some forrepparttar 130072 important things, but – givenrepparttar 130073 complexity and demands of every-day life – most of us find it difficult to get everything done. You can certainly make a renewed effort to achieve more in less time, or you might actively work to discoverrepparttar 130074 real secret of life: how to do less in more time. How you spend your time reflects your priorities and what is important to you. Rather than composing your daily list of to-do’s list based on what seems most urgent, or what you’ve failed to dorepparttar 130075 previous day, make sure you schedule at least one thing that reflects your personal values. Focusing attention on how you spend your time can bring new energy to every aspect of your life; instead of efficiency, aim for integration and balance in your life. As a life coach, I have often observedrepparttar 130076 conflict that arises for people between Chronos time – time related to getting things done (agendas, tasks, schedules) – and Kyros time – time related to process, deep listening, relaxation, and understanding thatrepparttar 130077 time it takes isrepparttar 130078 time it takes. Take a good look at your work habits. Are there ways you can restructure how you spend your time to be more productive in a shorter time period, to implement better ways of doing things, to see new approaches to performing tasks? When you have more space, you conversely have more time. If you clear any clutter in your living and workspaces, and create pleasing environments that inspire you, time will automatically feel expanded. The more time we can spend in Kyros time,repparttar 130079 more expansive and elastic time becomes. This isrepparttar 130080 kind of time we lived in when we were children.

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