Hall of Shame - The Bad Boys of UCE

Written by CipherTrust

The majority of Unsolicited Commercial Email (UCE), or “spam” is sent by a relatively small group of dedicated professional spammers. The Register of Known Spam Operations (ROKSO) indicates that 80% of all spam comes from just 200 known spam operations. This data is in line with research completed by CipherTrust research scientists, which indicates that most spam originates from a relatively small group of tightly integrated spam networks.

While we’re all very familiar withrepparttar spam messages we receive each day, it is interesting to take a look at who these spammers are – to put a “face” torepparttar 109477 problem, as it were. Following are four ofrepparttar 109478 most notorious and prolific spammers inrepparttar 109479 world.

Alan Ralsky

Alan Ralsky
Mr. Ralsky is currently one ofrepparttar 109480 most egregious spam senders inrepparttar 109481 world. His organization, based in Michigan since 1997, uses Chinese, European and domestic US-based servers to host and send spam to millions of email boxes daily. But that’s not enough for Ralsky. Not only does he operate as a spammer, but also as a host to other spammers.

In 2002, Verizon sued Mr. Ralsky for causing Verizon’s network to freeze twice in 2000. The lawsuit originally sought $37 million, but was settled out of court for an undisclosed amount. Ralsky is no longer allowed to send email over Verizon’s networks, but he admits no wrongdoing inrepparttar 109482 case, and has vowed to continue sending bulk email.

Mr. Ralsky was convicted in 1994 for falsifying documents to defraud two banks in Michigan and Ohio and was fined $74,000. In an unrelated case in 1992, Ralsky was sentenced to 50 days in jail and ordered to pay $120,000 in restitution for failing to deliver a contract involving unregistered securities.

While Mr. Ralsky sends millions of unsolicited email messages selling everything from diet pills to online gambling, he claims that his business is legitimate and that his emails are not spam. He also insists that he does not sell pornography. We’re sure he’s an absolutely charming fellow.

Scott Richter

Scott Richter
Scott Richter’s Denver-based company, OptinRealBig, is responsible for sending out billions of spam emails. He is one ofrepparttar 109483 most outspoken and notorious spammers in business today. Whereas most spammers attempt to keep a low profile, often denying any involvement in spam, Richter seems to enjoyrepparttar 109484 spotlight. In fact, Richter even attempted to start up a “Spam King” clothing line before Hormel (the company responsible for bringing delicious canned Spam to dining rooms aroundrepparttar 109485 world) put an end to his trademark-infringing idea.

Richter and his partners were named in a lawsuit filed byrepparttar 109486 New York Attorney General and Microsoft. That suit, filed in 2003, sought millions of dollars in punitive damages, but was settled out of court in mid-2004 with a paltry fine of $50,000. Richter regards his legal entanglements as excellent advertising for his company which, he claims, gains value each time he is sued.

The Goose That Lays Golden Eggs

Written by Mustafa K.

Ever wondered what it would be like to have a goose that lays golden eggs? Well, if you thought such stuff happens only in fairy tales, think again!

Now before you get carried away in your own curious thoughts, let me tell you thatrepparttar magical goose I'm talking about is your list of subscribers or your contact list...

That's right, a list of targeted subscribers can be that precious and be equal to a goose that lays golden eggs. Your own contact list hasrepparttar 109476 potential to earn you money on demand and building one makes sure that you never run out of money.

Feed Your Goose Well

You can’t have a weak goose, which rarely lays any eggs. That’srepparttar 109477 very reason you'll have to feed it well enough so that it can becomes big and strong and lays a lot more golden eggs.

Practically speaking, you have to feed your list with quality content on a regular basis to getrepparttar 109478 results you want. The people on your list are looking for original information. Information they won't find anywhere else but from you.

They don't want old rehashed info, which can be easily found all overrepparttar 109479 web. They want something that is of value and would help them in achieving something.

And like most ofrepparttar 109480 people, if you're thinking that you don't possess any writing skills and you cant write, then my friend - you're absolutely wrong! You don’t have to be writer to write your own content online.

Believe me, it really doesn’t matter even if you haven’t written a single paragraph by yourself before. You don’t need a PhD. in literature and it's alright if you've flunked English in high school. If you can talk, then you can write!

The only rules are no copying and absolutely not plagiarizing. Be original, be witty, be educative and try to give them all you can. It's that simple!

Now, do I hear anyone saying I can't write?

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