Hair of Women

Written by Joyce C. Lock

At this writing, my hair is a closed hand's breath above my waist. It has been some variation of long mostly since being a teen, out of preference.

Though, after having read an old book onrepparttar thoughts and beliefs that originated around a woman's hair, with much name calling towardrepparttar 126897 female gender, I did thorough research of scripture in reference to hair.

Having discovered sheep verses goats being symbolic of types of people, I traced to find a definition of their hair as beingrepparttar 126898 offspring seed of each.

Paul referred to himself as a type of father. Without going intorepparttar 126899 various symbolic definitions ofrepparttar 126900 term 'woman', even as we perceive it to mean today, some are mothers by having literal children.

But, even those without children, who teach children in Sunday School, take on a partial role of motherhood.

Though, greater yet is when we take upon a spiritual nurturing role to spiritual babes. The offspring of a woman's spiritual seed would bring much more glory thanrepparttar 126901 appearance of her physical head.

Love Never Fails

Written by Joyce C. Lock

"Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do." Luke 23:24

How many times do you suppose we've hurt people and not realized it; to have reacted without thought; to have deemed another not ready, worthy, capable, or spiritual enough; to have picked our favorite over another; to have excluded one who didn't measure up; to sit by one more attractive, popular, or fun; to have been in such a hurry to greet one that we bypassed another; to have closed our hearts to someone whose words we didn't want to hear; to think we've done God a favor by getting rid of someone we thought difficult, different, or wrong?

How many times do you suppose that that prayer has been prayed for us, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do?"

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