Hair Loss in Women

Written by Karen Brown

When people think of hair loss, most often it is balding men that come to mind. However, women lose hair as well. Although hair loss is less known in women, there are many options for prevention and treatment as with men. Sometimesrepparttar cause for hair loss is heredity – in both men and women – and other timesrepparttar 113836 causes differ. Most often with women, hair loss occurs due to hormonal changes. A few months after giving birth, starting birth control pills, or ending menopause are various ways in which hormonal levels in women change. These changes lead to symptoms, including hair loss. Even though not all women suffer hair loss due to hormonal fluctuations, there are enough cases that triggeredrepparttar 113837 markets to provide hair loss prevention and treatment options for women. In fact, hair loss in women is relatively common and more and more of these women are choosing to take action against hair loss by purchasing products that help prevent and/or treat hair loss.

Onrepparttar 113838 market, there are products for hair loss geared toward men and women. For example, a hair loss prevention product for men, like an oral pill, may be offered to women in a lesser dosage. Hair loss vitamin supplements are available and are generallyrepparttar 113839 same for men and women, considering thatrepparttar 113840 nutrients that produce hair productivity – growth, repair, and healthiness – are similar in both men and women. Often times, ifrepparttar 113841 cause of hair loss for a women is a change in hormones, alteringrepparttar 113842 hormonal level may stoprepparttar 113843 hair loss. For example, when taking birth control pills, after a few months, women may notice hair loss. By not taking those pills, or switching to a brand with lower amounts of hormones,repparttar 113844 hair loss may be prevented. This may also work for women who lose hair after having a baby. Oncerepparttar 113845 body adjusts torepparttar 113846 hormonal changes after a pregnancy,repparttar 113847 hair loss may naturally stop. However, preventing hair loss, sometimes even in these cases, may not occur naturally. This is when hair loss prevention products help or hormonal regulations, such as pills and vitamins.

My Health Secrets May Work For You

Written by Loring A. Windblad

This compilation of information is Copyright 2005 by and Loring Windblad. The references for this series of articles isrepparttar author’s personal knowledge and experience. This article may be freely copied and used on other web sites only if it is copied complete with all links and text, including this header, intact and unchanged except for minor improvements such as misspellings and typos.

Let me pre-amble this article with a statement I have made at least a couple of times in other health-related articles of recent vintage. We are all unique individuals, each chemically different from one another, even though many of us are close enough to another that we can generally “group” ourselves into several “similar groupings”. Therefore, what works well for one person will probably work as well for everyone in that general grouping, will work but not as well for another general grouping, will do nothing good nor bad for another grouping, and will be bad for yet another grouping.

What follows works well for me; it may work exactlyrepparttar 113835 same for you, maybe even better. And it may be that my program will only work for you if you make a minor modification; or for another person if you make major modifications.

I learned back inrepparttar 113836 ‘50’s and 60’s that every time I took a flu shot I gotrepparttar 113837 flu – three times, in fact. Once immediately afterrepparttar 113838 shot, again after 3 months, and a third time after 6 months. Every year, every flu shot,repparttar 113839 same pattern repeated. In 1967 I quit taking flu shots and I have caughtrepparttar 113840 flu since then about once every 5-6 years.

I have had varicose veins in my ankles since I was a teenager. I began taking massive doses of vitamin C – 2000 units a day – and vitamin E – 500 units a day, 2 or 3 times a week, about 1966 when I met a girl who said she took 1000 units of vitamin C daily, sometimes more, because her doctor prescribed it to help her varicose veins. Yes, I still have terrible varicose veins in my ankles but they don’t hurt and they apparently don’t impede my circulation.

Inrepparttar 113841 1960’s I learned that I have a bad reaction to tetracycline,repparttar 113842 wonder drug antibiotic, aboutrepparttar 113843 third time it was prescribed, and to “geocyllin”, one ofrepparttar 113844 penicillin family, but not to any ofrepparttar 113845 other family members. It sort of felt like a huge black hole inrepparttar 113846 middle of my gut with a general feeling of extreme malaise. The Doctors decided this was an allergic reaction as it was repeated exactly several times.

And I learned inrepparttar 113847 late 1960’s, that I had a bad reaction to Vitamins A, B (all), D, in fact, every vitamin supplement except C and E. What they did was raise my blood pressure over a period of use, say a month. My blood pressure would shoot up from 120/70 to 165/95 and take 2-3 months offrepparttar 113848 vitamins to return to normal. The Doctors confirmed this as an allergic reaction.

Duringrepparttar 113849 early 1980’s I began taking amino acid supplements and quickly learned I am allergic torepparttar 113850 amino acid supplements. I developedrepparttar 113851 same reaction to amino acid supplements as I did to tetracycline and geocyllin. But also duringrepparttar 113852 1980’s, due to a radical change of diet because I was goutish (I took medication to control gout from 1977 thru 1980, for 3 ½ years), I began taking zinc and selenium supplements, 50 mg each once a week, along with my vitamin C and E.

Beginning aboutrepparttar 113853 mid 1970s I began noticing that I never seemed to catch colds, in fact hadn’t had one in years. This pattern continued. And whilerepparttar 113854 flu was going around and every one around me was getting sick I still only caught flu about once every 5 or more years. Others caught it every year.

In 1968 I played Santa at Christmas for a few close friends and their families. It was a fun thing to do and I sort of fell inrepparttar 113855 Santa mode around Christmas time many years.

By 1990 I was pretty set in my ways as far as vitamin supplements were concerned. I took 2000 units of vitamin C daily, 500 units of vitamin E weekly, and 50 mg of Zinc and Selenium weekly. I caught a horrible case ofrepparttar 113856 flu in January 1991, as did my wife, andrepparttar 113857 cough lingered until what seemed like summer, at least into June. For Christmas 1995 I began playing Santa at a Mall. And I got sick, very sick. I was flat on my back in bed for a week and lost my voice totally for 3 full days. After that I just sort of “squeaked” forrepparttar 113858 rest ofrepparttar 113859 Christmas season.

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