Haggling: Give Yourself A Raise

Written by David Wilding

Haggling was a way of life for Mr. B. I knew Mr. B because his son was one of my friends. His haggling greatly embarrassed my friend, but it didn't bother Mr. B. He was saving money.

Mr. B was a wonder. His distaste for paying retail was so ingrained he would bargain atrepparttar local fast food restaurant. Not attached to this man by blood, I felt no embarrassment, so I would watch with interest as he worked his magic with a retail price.

If you were there this is what Mr. B would have taught you:

  • Be in command. Feel comfortable inrepparttar 112086 negotiation process. This will take practice. Start in an arena where haggling is a common and accepted practice. Go to a flea market or swap meet. Have some fun learning to haggle withrepparttar 112087 people you find there. After you have honed your skill you can have confidence as you move to haggling whererepparttar 112088 practice is less common.
  • Never be satisfied withrepparttar 112089 price marked. You are looking for a compromise. Any compromise leaves money in your pocket. A decent haggler can increase his purchasing power by 10-20%. That is like getting a 15-25% raise in your pay.
  • Always negotiate up. Choose a low price to begin with. You do not start atrepparttar 112090 price you are willing to pay. If you do, once you mention a price you are done. Start with a low, even ridiculous, amount. (This can berepparttar 112091 most difficult part, but forgetrepparttar 112092 embarrassment. Your goal and only goal is to get them engaged.)
  • As you haggle make your increases in price small. You never know when he or she will accept. There is no sense in placing money onrepparttar 112093 table you could have left in your pocket.
  • Never give up. Keep at it. Be sure to go intorepparttar 112094 negotiation fresh. Don’t fool yourself by thinking you arerepparttar 112095 first person to match wits with this seller and so he has no experience. You must not even give a hint you are weakening. A good seller can smell reticence.

A Triple Dipper: How to Make 3 Profits on 1 Stock Trade

Written by Floyd Snyder

This is a rather simple strategy with which I am sure a lot of seasoned traders are very familiar, possibly under some other name with which I am not familiar. I wanted to write about it because I don’t see anyone talking about it anymore. Sincerepparttar big hey-days of day trading and, of course,repparttar 112085 burst ofrepparttar 112086 Internet bubble of 2000, there seems to be a lack of patience that this strategy needs to work.

A lot of people seem to be moving back intorepparttar 112087 markets sincerepparttar 112088 declines of 2000. If you were one of those that jumped back in duringrepparttar 112089 early part of 2004 you reaped big profits. But now there seems to be a fair number of Wall Street Pundits that are beginning to raiserepparttar 112090 "irrational exuberance" flag once again. If you have been watching some ofrepparttar 112091 unrealistic gains in recent high flyers, you may be looking for a bit more conservative way of being inrepparttar 112092 market.

Inrepparttar 112093 early 70’s I met a young Dean Witter Reynolds broker and told him I had a few dollars I wanted to put intorepparttar 112094 stock market. The first thing he told me was that unless I had $100,000 I wanted to invest one time into a diversified portfolio with a buy and hold strategy…or…. $10,000 I wanted to invest in a more aggressive "trading" strategy, he was not interested in my account. Keep in mind, this was a long time beforerepparttar 112095 day trading craze hit. I was impressed with his straightforward and honest approach. However, I did not have $100,000 back then, but I did have a bit more then $10,000. With that we were off torepparttar 112096 races, and this isrepparttar 112097 trading plan he put to work for me.

First of all he stayed away formrepparttar 112098 high flyers altogether. He followed a number of solid, top quality companies that had a history of paying above average dividends but still with a little bit of volatility. Bothrepparttar 112099 dividend andrepparttar 112100 volatility are required ingredients.

We bought six to ten positions with an average of 300-500 shares in each position. Every stock we bought paid higher then average dividend. We did well with companies like Phillip Morris [MO], American Electric and Power [AEP], Battle Mountain Gold Co. [now a pink sheeter], General Motors [GM] and few others. I only mention them so you that are nuts-o for research (exactlyrepparttar 112101 sort of thing I would do) can go back and seerepparttar 112102 sort of movement we had in these stocks back in those days. There were others of course, but that will give you some fodder for research. GM and MO may still work these days, but I have not looked at AEP in years and, of course, Battle Mountain is history.

Okay, so now you know what sort of companies we are looking for; solid, higher then average dividend paying companies with a bit of volatility. Hey, I never said this was easy! But to make it even more challenging, we need one more component to makerepparttar 112103 triple dip intorepparttar 112104 money - Options. To be more specific, we need Covered Calls only!!! Let me repeat that, we are only selling covered calls, no other options. You will have to be cleared by your broker for options trading, and you will need a margin account. Here’s howrepparttar 112105 play is made. You buy 300-500 shares of a stock that is going to be paying a dividend with inrepparttar 112106 next 15-45 days. You sellrepparttar 112107 30-60 day covered call taking inrepparttar 112108 premium money and giving you that amount of money downside protection to offset any move against you.

The ideal trade will play out like this. You will buyrepparttar 112109 stock, it will payrepparttar 112110 dividend while you own it, you sellrepparttar 112111 Covered Call collectingrepparttar 112112 options premium money, and hopefullyrepparttar 112113 stock will be called away atrepparttar 112114 strike price. Obviously, you have to make sure you only sellrepparttar 112115 call with a strike price higher then your entry price. Now let’s applyrepparttar 112116 math on a hypothetical trade. Let’s say you buy MO at $50 and it is paying $.25 dividend andrepparttar 112117 $51 call option is selling for $.25 with an expiration date 45 days out. Let’s further assumerepparttar 112118 stock paysrepparttar 112119 dividend, and moves aboverepparttar 112120 strike price of $51 byrepparttar 112121 expiration date and it gets called away. You will earn $.25 forrepparttar 112122 dividend, $.25 forrepparttar 112123 premium money onrepparttar 112124 call and $1.00 onrepparttar 112125 stock position itself for a total gain of $1.50 on 300 shares. That’s $300 on a $7500 investment (using 2:1 margin account) for a 24% annualized yield on your money. More ofrepparttar 112126 math: $300 divided by $7500 = 4% X 8 = 24%. Keep in mind you maderepparttar 112127 $300 in 45 days meaning theoretically you can do this 8 times a year. That’s how you getrepparttar 112128 24% annualized yield. Not to shabby! (Because commissions vary, I have not put them intorepparttar 112129 equation, something you will have to do obviously.)

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