Had a Car Accident Lately?

Written by Nancy R. Fenn

I'd like to putrepparttar spotlight on car accidents in a noncritical, observant way, so you can heal yourself. It makes me angry to see people walk away from one accident only to have another a few years later. As a healer, I don't like to see people in pain. And if you've been in an accident, you knowrepparttar 130703 aftermath of shock, rage and terror, sometimes resulting in post traumatic shock syndrome. Why go through this experience again?

Let's get things like this out of our lives. Let's take control of our personal energy. Here'srepparttar 130704 way.

The universe is mental. It responds to yourepparttar 130705 way you think it will.

The laws of physics are neutral. One plus one equals two and if you push your glass offrepparttar 130706 table it will fall to floor whether you are an average person, an enlightened person, a genius, a two year old in a highchair or eating your last meal on death row. The laws of metaphysics are neutral, too. We study them so we can use them to our advantage. They don't care how they are used.

Please understand, in a mathematical universe, there are no accidents.

The second principle is, there are no victims of accidents. Everyone is a volunteer. For this reason, I'm going to switch from victim and perpetrator torepparttar 130707 projecting driver (perpetrator) and attracting driver (victim).

These principles may be new to you but if they're stirring something inside, read on. It's hard to contemplate when one has just been rear-ended, or -- inrepparttar 130708 case of a woman I know, broadsided nearly to death -- but this is no accident. Instead, this is a highly synchronized meeting of two people onrepparttar 130709 same wave length at preciselyrepparttar 130710 same moment.

What arerepparttar 130711 odds thatrepparttar 130712 two of you would meet atrepparttar 130713 exact same moment in time and space? Astronomical, wouldn't you say? You can change your energy. You can be safe onrepparttar 130714 road, on a plane and in an airport. There is power in what I'm going to tell you.

State of mind is what determines our wavelength. Actually, we have two minds:repparttar 130715 rational andrepparttar 130716 higher mind. Normally we operate inrepparttar 130717 lower mind which has two parts:repparttar 130718 negative andrepparttar 130719 positive. These tellk us why we should and shouldn’t do things but a decision is not forthcoming. It isrepparttar 130720 higher mind (the creative mind) which really determines our course in life.

The higher mind is described inrepparttar 130721 astrology chart - our human version of it -- byrepparttar 130722 9th house. It's calledrepparttar 130723 place of long distance travel and it describes driving onrepparttar 130724 freeway as against tooling aroundrepparttar 130725 neighborhood. It's alsorepparttar 130726 house of meditation because it isrepparttar 130727 long distance use ofrepparttar 130728 mind -- far seeing, prophetic, intuitive, looking for patterns ....

If you drive onrepparttar 130729 freeway, you're in a meditative state of consciousness at least part ofrepparttar 130730 time whether you realize it or not. To drive onrepparttar 130731 freeway, we look for patterns and spaces.

I've read for many people in my 25 years as an intuitive consultant, astrologer and spiritual teacher/healer. I've talked to people from their hospital bed and I learned a lot about this kind of energy duringrepparttar 130732 years. I have read for a man who wrecked his own car and then totaledrepparttar 130733 rental carrepparttar 130734 very next day. He had no insurance and had bought none withrepparttar 130735 rental. I read for a girl who knew she would someday drive off a bridge and did so. This girl is now in a wheel chair for life. I am writing this article to wake people up!

The states of mind I feel put us on a collision course with a projective driver are these:

•Repressed hostility, anger or rage

•Repressed hostility, anger or rage

•Victim mentality

•Trying to do more than one thing at a time (multitasking)

•Being rushed or being late

•Overextended lifestyle

•Talking onrepparttar 130736 cell phone

•Separation from self through over activity and busy-ness (super mom)

•Living entirely outsiderepparttar 130737 self, causing deep depression, self loathing, self hatred and even self destructive tendencies

Let's take a closer look at each of these.


If you aren't expressing your own emotions, someone will come right over and do it for you. Or do it to you, I should say.

Some ofrepparttar 130738 "nicest" and "sweetest" people inrepparttar 130739 world are involved in collisions for this very reason. If they weren't so nice or so sweet, they might have been safer.

There are many socially acceptable ways to get outrepparttar 130740 aggressions we all feel (yes, evenrepparttar 130741 nice and sweet ones). Please pick one and use it regularly.


People with victim mentalities are accidents waiting to happen. Why is itrepparttar 130742 same people are robbed twice, rear ended twice, even raped twice?

Get out ofrepparttar 130743 victim position. Go on a victim-free diet for three months. Do not read about, listen to stories about, watch movies or television shows, sympathize with or even think about any people or animals who are victims. If someone tries to tell you a victim story, get up and leave!


Have you ever tried to rub your head with one hand and pat your stomach withrepparttar 130744 other? A recent article on MSN Internet revealed that people eat, smoke, read, shave, apply makeup and have sex while driving.

Multitasking is becoming a way of life for some people and these are some ofrepparttar 130745 most likely people, unfortunately, I'll peg for accidents inrepparttar 130746 years ahead.


Being rushed and in a hurry already has us out of sync… with ourselves. When we are out of sync with ourselves, we are out of touch with good timing in all matters.

Many people who "run late" accompany this habit with a state of mind involving "Why do you do this? When are you going to learn? It's so rude to be late! You are so inconsiderate! Why did you have to make that last phone call? Can't you ever just be on time? …" Stoprepparttar 130747 chatter. If you're late, you're late. Get there alive.


We are holistic beings in spite of ourselves. We are absolutely consistent in our behavior acrossrepparttar 130748 full range of our activities. If you doubt this, take some time to observe others first, because it's easier, and then yourself.

If someone eats fast and unconsciously, they also drive fast and unconsciously. And their sex is that way too!


Talking onrepparttar 130749 cell phone is a function ofrepparttar 130750 lower or rational mind. Driving onrepparttar 130751 freeway, as we know from earlier inrepparttar 130752 article, is a function ofrepparttar 130753 higher or indifferent mind. These two minds can’t work together. It’s that simple.


What happens when you have an accident? You wind up flat on your back for awhile, staring atrepparttar 130754 wall and wondering how this could have happened to you?

Well, productively, let's concentrate onrepparttar 130755 first half ofrepparttar 130756 sentence rather thanrepparttar 130757 last. When wasrepparttar 130758 last time you sat around and did nothing?

Accidents happen to many people who are so out of touch it takes a zap fromrepparttar 130759 universe to get them back together with themselves for a little quality time. Many people grow to see their accidents as one ofrepparttar 130760 best things that could have happened because it forced them to stop and think about where they were headed in their lives and to touch in with what's really important, especially in serious accidents where one's whole life flashes before them.

Building Online Businesses

Written by Andrea Lee

Thomas J. Leonard was a leader inrepparttar coaching profession who passed away suddenly on February 11, 2003. I continue to be centered, inspired and energized by his leadership every day. Thank you, Thomas.

Here is a list of Top Ten things Thomas created that have impacted me most:

1. The Top 10 Factors Which Contributed To My Success available at http://www.andreajlee.com optentjl.html

This top ten list was one ofrepparttar 130701 first I ever read withinrepparttar 130702 context of allrepparttar 130703 material available inrepparttar 130704 coaching world. I remember getting a huge 'wow' from it, and earmarking it as pretty special. And yet when I read it again now, I realize how little I really understood it...much less lived it. So now, when I re-read it, which I do from time to time to informrepparttar 130705 businesses I'm currently building, and help navigaterepparttar 130706 waters I'm in, I make a point of reminding myself that this list will probably bear reading forrepparttar 130707 next 10 years, it's that full of wisdom. Right now, I'm spending lots of time with item number 3. Next year? I guess we'll see. Which item rocks your world?

2. "Eliminate delay."

Graphical version here: http://www.coachingnuggets.com/eliminatedelaygif.gif

Lots of people really don't like this item, comprised of a simple two words. Yet when people ask me "how did you manage CoachVille with such a small staff," "how do I increase my company's productivity/profitability?" "what do you do differently now, compared to before you worked with Thomas?" or even "how have you achievedrepparttar 130708 happiness you have, Andrea?" - eliminate delay - isrepparttar 130709 answer in all cases, and it was one of Thomas' favorites. It seems like a simple message, but it took me more than a year to integrate, and my hunch is very few people really understand it. Key staff at CoachVille 'got' it and thrived, and others just couldn't grasp it and left with a case of burnout.

3. 12 Proven Strategies to Becoming Financially Independent available at http://www.aperfectlife.com/new/financiallyindependentpdf.pdf

This is one of those 'must-print,' 'must-frame' items. And considering Thomas was an ex-financial planner,repparttar 130710 12 strategies are wonderfully, inspiringly BIG, not dreary at all . (If you didn't clickrepparttar 130711 link because you wanted to avoid a lecture on money, give it a chance.) I particularly enjoyrepparttar 130712 tone of this one...simple, wise, inspiring...just likerepparttar 130713 heart ofrepparttar 130714 man himself.

4. Cyber Skill #29: Using Instant Messenger available at http://www.certifiedcyber.com/vanilla/29instantmessenger.html

Instant messenger has literally changed my life. As someone who builds online businesses, it still amazes me how many companies have yet to take advantage ofrepparttar 130715 savings in time, money, energy, productivity and profitability that IM can bring. (Is one of them your company? Why?) In this lifetime, because ofrepparttar 130716 impact that using Instant Messenger has had on my life, I will not commute to work another day; I will have less than 10%repparttar 130717 amount of flu, cold, other sicknesses, thanrepparttar 130718 general population; I will get much more done inrepparttar 130719 same amount of time...whether I'm working or catching up with my friends onrepparttar 130720 other side ofrepparttar 130721 globe. It may surprise you to know that in 2 years of managing CoachVille for Thomas, I only ever met him 3 times...the rest ofrepparttar 130722 time...we Instant Messaged.

5. Thomas' graphical signature file, which says "Ego is good." Graphical version is here: http://www.thomasleonard.com jllogoegoisgood.gif

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