If you've written numerous articles, you can use them to further promote yourself and your business, e-zine or web site.You can re-use your old articles by transforming them into another form of promotional tool.
And one way to re-use them is by turning them into an e-mail workshop. By doing so, you'll be able to offer a new product that will help you establish your credibility as a business owner, e-zine publisher or web site owner.
Even though you'll make use of old articles, you won't be offering a re-hash.
Why? Because once you transform your old articles and gather them together to form an e-mail workshop, you add a more focused learning dimension to them. For this, you're able to create a new and effective marketing tool.
So how do you do it? In a nutshell:
1. Gather all your articles and find a common theme among them. If you've written a number of articles aimed for beginning online business owners, these articles can make up one e-mail workshop. Your e-mail workshop can be a short one (2-4 articles) or a long one (5 or more).
2. When you've identified a common theme, arrange your articles in a way that provides some sort of logic or flow to them.
3. Assign one article as one e-mail module. If you're using 4 articles, your e-mail workshop would consist of 4 modules.
4. Take a good look at each article. Does it look like you can weave
activities within 'lessons' or will it require you to separate
'lessons' from
'assignments' -- information first (your re-written article) and then hands-on activities or tests after?