Written by James L. Snyder

In reviewing my schedule last week, I noticed one glaring omission. Atrepparttar moment I was rather shocked at this lapse, however, I took some comfort inrepparttar 118171 fact it was not intentional.

The lapse in our week was a romantic evening just forrepparttar 118172 two of us. Everyone knows a week without romance can be a dull week. As a general practice,repparttar 118173 Gracious Mistress ofrepparttar 118174 Parsonage and Yours Truly try to set aside some time, be it ever so small, for some level of romantic interlude. There are time, however, when due to a demanding schedule a week will slip through our mutual intention.

Immediately we set out to clear our schedule, a Herculean task to be sure, and set aside Thursday evening as our romantic hiatus atrepparttar 118175 parsonage. Because I had a few days notice, I decided to surpriserepparttar 118176 Gracious Mistress ofrepparttar 118177 Parsonage with her favorite ice cream cake.

Late Thursday afternoon I picked uprepparttar 118178 ice cream cake specially decorated forrepparttar 118179 occasion. I was looking forward to a special, relaxing evening atrepparttar 118180 parsonage.

Just as I drove out ofrepparttar 118181 bakery parking lot, my cell phone rang. My wife informed me that Philip had been rushed torepparttar 118182 hospital emergency room, she had no further details. I looked at my watch and calculated that it would take 15 minutes to drive torepparttar 118183 hospital, 10 minutes with Philip and another 15 minutes to return home. It was 4:45 and I could be home before 6:00.

Hanging uprepparttar 118184 phone, I turned my car towardrepparttar 118185 hospital. Driving out ofrepparttar 118186 parking lot, I had a nagging feeling I was forgetting something. I mentally reviewed my “to-do-list” and could not find a single omission. And yet, there was something I should be doing but forrepparttar 118187 life of me, I could not put my finger on it. Pulling intorepparttar 118188 hospital parking lot, I put that nagging thought out of my head and focused onrepparttar 118189 more important work lying before me.

When I got torepparttar 118190 hospital, I went straight torepparttar 118191 ER and inquired about Philip.

“Yes, Philip,”repparttar 118192 nurse quipped, “is in room 15.”

Knowingrepparttar 118193 drill, I went to room 15 and to my dismay, it was empty.

“Oh, Philip,” another nurse said “has been sent up to room 318.”

I threw a “thank you, ma’m” at her and headed forrepparttar 118194 elevator.

By this time, I was so occupied with thoughts about Philip I temporarily forgot about our plans forrepparttar 118195 evening back atrepparttar 118196 parsonage. I walked into room 318 and discovered that either Philip had a sex-change operation or,repparttar 118197 person snuggled down inrepparttar 118198 bed in room 318 was not Philip. I latched on torepparttar 118199 second thought and headed forrepparttar 118200 nurse’s station.


Written by Victoria Elizabeth

Copyright Victoria Elizabeth 2004. All rights reserved.


-- Toorah For Those Tittilating Tag-Names that Come With Your Favorite Grog!--

Fascinated as I am with names, I happened upon an article in our thrice-weekly newspaper devoted to temptingrepparttar tastebuds of tipplers at a local "Beerfest".

It seems that our cozy castle (has more than a few educated swillers from nearby colleges and universities, not to mention a slew of seabees (fromrepparttar 118170 naval base next door) who can't get enough of those special suds.

In case you thought beer is just beer, think again. There’srepparttar 118171 mass-produced malt variety (aka bottled grog) for those who need a bold “brand-name” beer to convince them they’re part of a happy herd of flatulating buffalo, frenzied sharks or frisky penguins. Then there’srepparttar 118172 small-batch, cottage micro-brew forrepparttar 118173 young, discerning crop of brown-nosing, social-climbing iconoclasts who really don’t give a sweet tweet aboutrepparttar 118174 plebes. And last but not least, there are those who pride themselves in being able to show-off their penny-pinching, skinflint, tightwad habits courtesy ofrepparttar 118175 local u-brew shops.

Not being a true-blue beer-belly, I must admit I haven’trepparttar 118176 foggiest idea of what to look for in a beer other thanrepparttar 118177 name. And being a rather elegant, eccentric and equable person of good breeding (and not surpisingly, easily amused), I find solace in all strong and single-minded spirits -- especiallyrepparttar 118178 tall, dark and handsome ones.

Anything boisterous and bubbly will attract my attention as will any marvelous moniker that’s a tad titillating, saucily spunky or possibly just a dandy draught.

So, I thought I would share with you a few of my favorite hop handles (onrepparttar 118179 off chance that you too might be as delighted as I was to see them). Besides "Moosehead" (forrepparttar 118180 merry munchkin in all of us) , there are oodles of other laugh-out-loud tag-names to enjoy such as:

-- Back Hand of God (Crannog Ales) -- Black Widow Dark Ale (Tin Whistle Brewing Co.) -- Bull Frog -- Bureaucracy Bitter (Gulf Islands Brewing Co.) -- Buzzard's Breath (Big Rock Beer) -- Cold Cock Winter Porter (Big Rock Beer) -- Fat Head I.P.A. (Fat Cat Brewery) -- Hophead India Pale Ale (Tree Brewing Co.) -- Jack Rabbit Low Carb Beer (Big Rock Beer) -- Killer Bee Dark Honey Ale (Tin Whistle Brewing Co.) -- Lemp -- Moose Drool (Montana Big Sky Brewing Co.) -- Mule -- Old Stumplifter (Tree Brewing Co.) -- Paddywhack IPA (Nelson Brewing Co.) -- Pig's Eye -- Pompous Pompadour Porter (Fat Cat Brewery) -- Rattlesanke ESB Ale (Tin Whistle Brewing Co.) -- Red Devil Ale (R&B Brewing Co.) -- Red Ass Ale -- Snuffy Smith -- Warthog Cream Ale (Big Rock Beer) -- Yellow Belly

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