Written by Harry Maurer

Any party that a business presents is important. It is a reflection of your company's professionalism and care. A bad party can do more damage to morale, business relationships and your corporate image than having no party at all, butrepparttar benefits of a successful party are overwhelming! Whether it's a cocktail party for clients or a full dinner for employees, a party must create a positive impression of your company -- and it can be done quite successfully without a large investment of money!

As a Houston entertainer and professional magician performing at prestigious social events for Movie Stars, Celebrities, U.S. Presidents, Politicians, International Royalty and Corporate and Social Elite, Harry Maurer has helped to create environments where people can relax and have fun. Based on his experiences, here are a few suggestions:

The scariest part of planning any party isrepparttar 103035 uncontrollable fear that people will arrive and just stand there without smiling or talking! Understand in advance that people are normally shy when they first enter a room, so it is crucial that your guests be made to feel welcome. Whatever you do, don't let your guests enter into a cold and stark room! Whether it is a banquet hall or hotel meeting room, warm it up with plants, background music and lighting -- it doesn't have to be an expensive undertaking. A small stereo system with background music, borrowed or rented trees and carefully arranged floodlighting can make evenrepparttar 103036 barest meeting room warm and inviting! If you are presenting a party for your clients, it will make it easier for them to relax if you assign representatives from your company to mingle and make introductions. This works equally well for social events or family affairs where committee or family members can be instructed to introduce people to each other.

Once your guests are mingling in a warm and inviting atmosphere, give them something to talk about and make it fun! As a professional entertainer, Harry Maurer knowsrepparttar 103037 value of laughter and makes parties special not only by performing a Las Vegas caliber comedy act asrepparttar 103038 highlight ofrepparttar 103039 evening, but by makingrepparttar 103040 cocktail hour itself special by strolling amongrepparttar 103041 guests presenting magic right in people's hands. With objects appearing in their hands and in their pockets, guests who are traditionally shy and reserved warm up quickly, and people who have little in common getrepparttar 103042 unique experience of sharing something incredible -- and they enjoy talking about that experience! Anything similar that gets people involved, talking and having fun is what makes and ordinary party extraordinary! When your guests enjoy themselves they will go home thinking well of you and your company which will strengthen your company's moral and your business relationships.

Whether you decide to use live music or tapes, keeprepparttar 103043 music at a level where people can talk without shouting. If you are planning to have lively dance music, save it for just beforerepparttar 103044 dinner is served and during dessert. Like a true theatrical production,repparttar 103045 evening should build in volume, energy and excitement. With regard to bands, D.J.'s and live entertainment, do not hire amateurs here! There is nothing that can hurt your party, your evening or your reputation more than bad entertainment -- so be choosy! Takerepparttar 103046 time to ask for references, and if possible, getrepparttar 103047 chance to see them perform in advance so that you know what you are getting.

10 Incredible Ways To Keep Your Sales Soaring

Written by celine Martin

1. Maximizerepparttar effectiveness of your banner ads. Don't just userepparttar 103034 same ad on every banner, use a variety to attractrepparttar 103035 greatest number of clickers.

2. Make your web site load much faster by cutting down on banner ads and start using more buttons. Button ads are also smaller and take up less space.

3. Offer free advertising space to well known and respected companies on your web site. Sometimes people link their business credibility to yours.

4. People have been taught all their life to respect people in authority. Tell your visitors that you arerepparttar 103036 president or CEO of your business.

5. Offer people a free telephone consultation before they order your product. When they get to know you personally, it could convert to more sales.

6. Testrepparttar 103037 "bill me later option" on your web site. Most people are honest and will pay you. It is a powerful little niche and could increase your sales.

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