Written by Grady Smith

So, you want to work from home. But what kind of business should you start?

With thousands of home business opportunities onrepparttar internet, many entrepreneurs find themselves jumping into home opportunities solely based onrepparttar 117625 amount they can earn.

But you have to remember; home business is stillrepparttar 117626 real world. If you have a degree in marketing, you wouldn’t even waste your time trying to repair computers unless you have a strong knowledge ofrepparttar 117627 subject. But entrepreneurs continually leap into home businesses that require a skill they don’t even posses.

What to do? Well, you need to first outline your strengths. Find out what you excel at and apply that to a field that would work from home.

For instance, your friend might be making $16,000 a month using MLM programs. You think, great, I’ll join under him and make $16,000 too! But your friend’s skills include a persuasive personality and a passion for talking onrepparttar 117628 phone. You’re more hands on, and enjoy being a little more creative.

You take up your position under your friend and really crash and burn. Mayberepparttar 117629 landing is so hard that you tell yourself you’re never going to invest another minute in creating a home business opportunity.

But if you had played on your strengths, and instead wrote an ebook on crafting, you may have well exceeded your friend’s earnings if you’d only takenrepparttar 117630 right direction for you.

So, how do you find what home business is right for you? I have found that home business opportunities generally fall into three categories. Someone that’s good at marketing would probably prefer and shine doing MLM, while someone that loves to help people would do better in a service position.

Are You Doing a Good Job?

Written by Dave Balch

I'll bet that you are really good at what you do. You are conscientious, creative, and hard working. You would never short-change your customers or give them less than 110 per cent. Right? RIGHT!

But do your customers know that? Do they know that you are on schedule, that you gave them something extra, that you did exactly what they wanted?

"Okay, Dave, what got you started on this one?" you're probably asking.

We have some friends that hired a pet-sitter to take care of their two dogs and two cats while they were on vacation. When they returned, they found no evidence that their animals had been cared for as instructed. Medications looked as if they hadn't been touched. The supply of treats looked virtuallyrepparttar same as it had when they left. True,repparttar 117624 animals were healthy and that'srepparttar 117625 most important thing; to paraphrase Roseanne, "The animals were alive [when my friends got home], sorepparttar 117626 pet sitters did their job!"

>From a business point of view, though,repparttar 117627 pet sitters didn't do so well. The evidence suggests that they did a 'poor' job. Or was it just a case that there was no evidence that they did a 'good' job?

Did they giverepparttar 117628 medications or didn't they? It looked like they didn't when, in fact, they did, and provided an extra service by picking up more. Did they giverepparttar 117629 treats as requested or didn't they? It looked like they didn't when, in fact, they did and provided an extra service by going torepparttar 117630 store to buy more.

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