Written by Craig Lock


How to be a good communicator and how to makerepparttar most of your relationships:

*Be interested in other people - show that you are by asking questions (but don't be insincere or hypocritical - nice word). Not mundane comments aboutrepparttar 106452 weather. Say something interesting like: "How'srepparttar 106453 back yard?" Be tactful.

* Be punctual - this shows you are responsible, courteous and respectful of other's time.

* Enjoy other people's company and have FUN.

* Tellrepparttar 106454 good news (without being a "Bible-basher"). Be positive and other people will enjoy your company.

* Be decisive - this projects confidence.

* Like yourself and be positive about your life. Doing this will draw others towards you.

* Keep your sense of humour. Hope you've still got one after reading all this!

* Tell people what you like about them - without embarassing them.

* Be realistic in your goals, plans and desires.

* Look at people, when you talk to them.

Seven things you should know before you hire outside business development staff

Written by Justin Hitt

If your company's sales are lacking or you are reaching into a new market, outside business development staff could significantly improve your profits. They are cost effective, very profitable, and can easily expand your existing staff. One caution, before you hire this kind of service from anyone consider these things to help you develop realistic expectations of what they will do for your company.

1. Outside business development people are not any faster than your existing staff, they are just more profitable because they focus on your strategic products.

2. They should enhance your existing staff, not replace them, overrepparttar long term, your our people will continue sales to these new customers.

3. They work for you inrepparttar 106451 best interest ofrepparttar 106452 target customer, do not be surprised if they takerepparttar 106453 prospects side to create win-win situations for both of you.

4. They should be able to provide insights and have existing relationships in your industry, hands-on experience with your product is a plus while familiarity is necessary.

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