Over $120,000,000,000 are spent on lotteries each year in
US, Canada, UK and around
world. It’s obviously a very profitable venture. But with only an average of 30% being given back to
lottery players it’s not
players who are profiting. Yet.WeeklyWinning.com is shaking up
industry and breaking down traditional barriers by putting
players first. Let’s examine
5 characteristics that you can evaluate to determine why WeeklyWinning.com is a profitable lottery system… for you.
1.)“How easy is it for me to play?”
The act of purchasing a ticket is definitely not rocket science. Anyone can do it. But
physical act of leaving your house, driving to a location that sells tickets and waiting in line can seem a nuisance – especially when it’s out of your way or you have other things to do.
WeeklyWinning.com is extremely easy to join - all you have to do is surf to
website and sign up. It makes playing far simpler because you only have to enter once.
With traditional lotteries you must make sure you purchase your ticket each week – goodness forbid you miss a week and wonder if you could have won. With WeeklyWinning.com you sign up once and you are automatically entered in every weekly drawing until you tell us to stop entering you.
WeeklyWinning.com is so simple… it just makes sense.
2.)“How much can I win?”
Traditional lotteries only pay out 25%-35% of
profits they take from players. Since their jackpots are calculated based on estimated players, there are limits. They are designed to win when
player loses – that’s why there are no guaranteed winners.
WeeklyWinning.com’s lottery system gives 65% of all profits directly back to
players in
form of guaranteed jackpots and bonuses… with no limits. Plus,
Instant Winner bonuses put you,
player, in
driver’s seat about how much you can win. You can create unlimited chances to win each week.
WeeklyWinning.com is designed to win because you win.
3.)“What are my odds of winning?”
The majority of lottery players do not ask one of
most important questions… “What are my chances of winning?”
Traditional lotteries display huge jackpot amounts and use colorful neon signs to mesmerize players and distract them from thinking about anything other than what they are going to buy with all that money.