Written by Rachel Goldstein

As a parent, you probably want to guide your child to become a healthy and ethical adult. How can you lead your child to a healthy future? What kind of activities can you do together as a family that will steer your child towards becoming a compassionate adult? Community service and Volunteerism are your answer. Not only will you show your child that it is “cool” to care for others, but it will also be a wonderful way to meet new people and possibly land scholarship money for college.

How do I get my child involved? Below are some ways to get your children motivated to want to help. Avoid bribing and coercion,repparttar mission is to get your child enthusiastic about helping others.

1.What do my parents do? – Children learn by example. If your child sees you volunteer, they will be more likely to want to volunteer as well. It is also a great idea to involve your child in your own volunteering experience. 2.Find a meaningful activity – Each child has interests that can be converted in a great volunteering experience. If your child is interested in art, match them up with an art charity ( If your child is interested in homelessness, match your child up with a homeless shelter. Once your child is matched withrepparttar 111064 right project, your child will encounter a rewarding experience that he or she will always remember. 3.Involve friends and family – It might be easier to involve your child if a friend is also involved. Some children might be shy and will want a peer to help softenrepparttar 111065 experience. Also, with a friend,repparttar 111066 project becomes more special and enjoyable. 4.Meaningful conversation first – It might be a good idea to watchrepparttar 111067 news together and see what sparks your child interest. Sometimes seeing less fortunate people and suffrage can spark a child into wanting to volunteer. Also, bring up social issues and discuss them with your child.

1st Class on the TITANIC---

Written by James Sorrell

***365 ofrepparttar planet's richest people, (including Bill Gates), have as much $$$ as 2.6 BILLION ofrepparttar 111063 poorest [which is totally obscene!!!]. That is only 43 more people than were in 1st Class onrepparttar 111064 TITANIC! [There were 322 of them] In order for these greedy rich to be so wealthy, they have to keep billions poor, many homeless! In this ordered Universe, there are specific blessings distributed byrepparttar 111065 'Maker of All Things' to each of us; but repparttar 111066 obscene rich have playedrepparttar 111067 game of MONOPOLY for real and stolen away repparttar 111068 opportunities of billions of people! They were initially given wealth as a shared trust, to see that all have some share in humanity {"Love your neighbor as yourself" means that you see to it that your neighbor has it just as good as you do; all 6 billion of us on this "blue marble" are neighbors & at least 33rd cousins--->Genesis 6:9 We ALL come from Noah's 3 sons!}.....We should ALL have a share in humanity, butrepparttar 111069 rich hoard instead of sharing, which was part of their deal that they ignore. In repparttar 111070 USA, everyone (300 million) could be a millionaire ifrepparttar 111071 rich were JUST millionaires (1 million $$ each). 'No poor, no homeless, no dis-enfranchised' isrepparttar 111072 possibility when opportunities are equal for all;repparttar 111073 economy would be 90% better because everyone is a participating member, and there would be no theft [99% gone]! It is time to startrepparttar 111074 MONOPOLY game all over again!!! Inrepparttar 111075 opening part ofrepparttar 111076 original film,

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