HD-DVD vs Blu-ray: A Primer

Written by Kenny Hemphill

High Definition DVD (HD-DVD) vs Blu-ray is shaping up to be a battle to rivalrepparttar VHS vs Betamax format war ofrepparttar 109920 early eighties. Looking like they've learned nothing fromrepparttar 109921 DVD +/- RW debacle,repparttar 109922 companies involved, whether they are inrepparttar 109923 technology or content distribution industry (or in Sony's case, both), are set to slug it out overrepparttar 109924 next few years.

The prize isrepparttar 109925 licence fees that will be payable torepparttar 109926 format owners whenrepparttar 109927 next generation of high definition DVD players and recorders start shipping in volume. As high definition television becomes increasingly popular, consumers will want a recordable format that hasrepparttar 109928 capacity to hold at least a couple of hours worth of HDTV content. Both Blu-ray and HD-DVD were developed in response torepparttar 109929 anticipated need for an HDTV recording medium and provide content whose quality would matchrepparttar 109930 expectations of HDTV-owning customers. Additionally,repparttar 109931 film distribution companies will cash-in as they release allrepparttar 109932 titles currently available on DVD in one or both ofrepparttar 109933 new formats and convince consumers that they really should chuck outrepparttar 109934 DVD collection they've spent time and money building and start afresh withrepparttar 109935 new high definition versions.


Written by bigfish network

KICHIJOJI SISTERS: mind forest (TOKYO/JAPAN) http://www.fishthemusic.com/weed/kichijojisisters.html

Vocalists like angels flying over you. Japan Kichijoji 3 beautiful girls organized electric, acoustic and elegant pops.

3 girls (Midori Hara, Michiru Sasano, Rika Shinohara) came out from Kichijoji area which they love. They have grown to know as KICHIJOJI SISTERS. Their music is beautiful and comfortable. In November 2004,repparttar album "Mind forest" was released. It sounds electric and acoustic, produced by Hoppy Kamiyama from God Mountain Records. It's like angels flying over you, filled with amazing mysterious harmony, which reach to your soul.

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