Guns Don't Kill People - Videogames Do!

Written by Daniel Robson

“Ban these evil games”, “Videogame violence corrupting our nation’s youth”, “video games stole my husband”. It seems everyday thatrepparttar media are making more and more claims aboutrepparttar 107336 evils of videogames. But are these claims based on fact, or is it merely that there is a juicy new scapegoat out there thatrepparttar 107337 woes ofrepparttar 107338 world can be pinned on?

Many people will be aware ofrepparttar 107339 Daily Mail’s ‘Manhunt’ story by now. The paper ran withrepparttar 107340 first page headline of ‘Ban these evil games’, claiming that 17 year old Warren LeBlanc’s obsession withrepparttar 107341 ultra-violent Rockstar game ‘Manhunt’ drove him to beat his 14 year old friend, Stefan Pakeerah, over 50 times with both a claw hammer and knife. The tabloid then proceeded to assert “the hammer-and-knife killing mirrored scenes inrepparttar 107342 ultra-violent game”. The paper also ran a quote fromrepparttar 107343 mother ofrepparttar 107344 victim, saying that, despiterepparttar 107345 factrepparttar 107346 game had an 18 certificate, “it’s no good saying this game is marketed at adults. Everyone knows that young children get their hands on them.”

But what wasrepparttar 107347 real motive behindrepparttar 107348 murder, andrepparttar 107349 follow up story? It’s easy to see whererepparttar 107350 motive forrepparttar 107351 Daily Mail’s story came from. Inrepparttar 107352 words ofrepparttar 107353 panel ofrepparttar 107354 IGDA (International Games Developers Association) “it was a slow news day”. And what better to liven it up than blood, violence and a convenient scapegoat?

There are two other important facts to remember about this awful murder. Firstly, what dorepparttar 107355 police say? Afterrepparttar 107356 headline inrepparttar 107357 Daily Mail you may think that they came torepparttar 107358 conclusion that it wasrepparttar 107359 game that set Warren off on his murderous way. Howeverrepparttar 107360 conclusion thatrepparttar 107361 police arrived at is thatrepparttar 107362 motive was robbery. It turns out that Warren Leblanc had, in actual fact, a £75 drugs fuelled debt to a local gang when he lured his erstwhile friend intorepparttar 107363 park that night, and originally intended merely to rob him. The police report makes no mention of ‘Manhunt’ whatsoever. This may be becauserepparttar 107364 game was discovered in Stefan’s room, rather than that ofrepparttar 107365 killer. Both of these pertinent facts were absent fromrepparttar 107366 Mail’s front pagerepparttar 107367 day this story ran.

And one must ask, how was it that Mrs. Pakeerah missedrepparttar 107368 fact her own 14 year old son owned this ultra-violent game, which he could only have acquired if an adult had purchased it for him.

“But isrepparttar 107369 game any good?” I hear you cry. Quite simply, no. ‘Manhunt’ is one of those games that arerepparttar 107370 key stumbling blocks inrepparttar 107371 path of truly adult games. Computer games are now reachingrepparttar 107372 point where mature themes, meaning detailed, involving stories that can deal with events inrepparttar 107373 real world, and portray realistic reactions to them, are becoming possible. Yet some developers insist on pouring out games that are aimed only at fuellingrepparttar 107374 testosterone driven adolescent fantasies of teenage sadists. When you consider tack like ‘Manhunt’ inrepparttar 107375 light of games like ‘Half-Life 2’, with its compelling narrative interwoven through beautiful, breathtaking scenery, you realise just how tawdry ‘Manhunt’ really is. The consensus atrepparttar 107376 IGDA meeting this year was thatrepparttar 107377 game was merely “a rubbish game with a layer of crunchy ultra-violence slapped on top”. No doubtrepparttar 107378 loss of such a young child as Stefan Pakeerah was a tragedy in its own right, butrepparttar 107379 true tragedy here is twofold. Almost overnightrepparttar 107380 game, whose sales had been a mere trickle before, started flying offrepparttar 107381 shelves of those few shops who hadn’t banned it,repparttar 107382 concept of censorship lendingrepparttar 107383 game a certain cachet. Even worse, inrepparttar 107384 words of Rob Fahey ofrepparttar 107385 IGDA, isrepparttar 107386 way in which “the games industry ‘close ranks’ to defend it [Manhunt] when its an aberration compared to most games - do you see Stephen Spielberg defending hardcore porn films?”

Remove Rogue Desktop Icons Created By Spyware

Written by Andrew Malek

If you have used a Windows machine for a while, whether it's Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows 98, you're sure to have noticed desktop icons appearing from out of nowhere. How can icons mysteriously emerge on your Windows desktop?

1. When you buy a computer, many vendors place icons to selected products and services on your desktop, such as links to high-speed Internet Service Providers (ISPs) or add-on services vendors think you may need.

2. As you install software on your Windows machine, icons may appear, either to startrepparttar application or link torepparttar 107335 manufacturer's website. Installing just one program could add three or more icons to your desktop!

3. It's easy to accidentally drag a Favorite, bookmark, text file, or other icon to your desktop, creating an icon.

Normally, it's easy to delete Windows desktop icons. Just place your mouse pointer onrepparttar 107336 offending icon, then right-click it and choose "Delete", clicking "Yes" to confirm if prompted.

However, what ifrepparttar 107337 rogue icons are for adult websites, unfamiliar search engines, or other websites you don't recall visiting? You may try removing these icons but get an error, or after removal they still reappear again and again and again!

If so, then more than likely spyware, adware, or other malware has infected your machine. It may have been through file trading software, an inadvertent "yes" click when a popup window asked you to install software, 'freeware' that included adware, or other means. To removerepparttar 107338 rogue icons, you need to removerepparttar 107339 malware creating these icons.

Removing spyware and adware can be a time-consuming process, fraught with potential disaster as it is possible to accidentally remove files that render your operating system unusable. However,repparttar 107340 following software products can help with this process as long as you readrepparttar 107341 instructions carefully, make backups, and get expert advice if you're not completely sure about removing what they ask you to do:

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