The Dish Network satellite dish is only about 2 feet in diameter. Very much a space saver when it comes to mounting satellite dish on a wall, fence or garage!Since satellite dish is small, it is also light and not bulky in size, this also makes it easier to mount.
Satellite dishes have two antennae's which are pointing back to dish and shooting off into blue sky.
These 2 receiver antennas help bring in a signal to your dish and display signals they receive on your television.
If you purchase a satellite dish brand new, you won't have to worry about mounting it, because your local satellite installation crew will do all installing for you. They don't want you trying to climb up a 10 foot ladder to mount their dish, so they'll do it for you, which is usually free anyways.
But if you do have to mount your dish yourself, make sure you have Dish Network satellite pointing directly into sky away from trees, little children and buildings.
By following this step, you will be able to receive most premium possible signal from your satellite dish. This will also provide quality viewing on your television screen!