Guide to DVD Authoring

Written by Kenny Hemphill

DVD Authoring isrepparttar process of collecting various content assets such as video, audio, photographs, subtitles, and menus, connecting them together and burning them to a master dvd disc.

The assets themselves are generated in a variety of applications such as video editing, post-production, image editing and subtitling. They are then compiled in a DVD authoring application such as Ulead DVD Movie Factory onrepparttar 107605 PC or DVD Studio Pro onrepparttar 107606 Mac. The process of authoring is very much like building a website. The menu screen on a DVD is analgous torepparttar 107607 homepage of a website in that it contains links to allrepparttar 107608 content onrepparttar 107609 DVD.

Menu screens usually link torepparttar 107610 main feature, chapters withinrepparttar 107611 feature, additional scenes not contained inrepparttar 107612 feature, photographic slideshows, and additional audio content. The main menu screen can also contain links to sub-menus, which helps avoid clutteringrepparttar 107613 main menu with too many options.

In addition to setting up menu selections onrepparttar 107614 main menu,repparttar 107615 DVD authoring application allowsrepparttar 107616 producer to set-up additional features such as subtitles. Withinrepparttar 107617 authoring application, each item is givenrepparttar 107618 metaphor of a container. A container can hold any type of supported content and is linked to a menu selection, either onrepparttar 107619 main menu or a sub-menu.

Top 7 Reasons You Should Back Up Your Data Online!

Written by Sol Spencer

How much is your data worth to you? In this modern electronic-age we rely more than ever on our computers to supply us withrepparttar information we need. Chances are every piece of data you might ever rely on to make an important decision has been reduced to a digital format and resides somewhere on your computer's hard drive. Improved functionality and productivity arerepparttar 107604 benefits, however, onrepparttar 107605 flipside, one wrong click, one nasty virus, one untimely power surge or unhappy employee and that data is gone forever!

Online backups (also called offsite or remote backups) are a great solution for almost any small business or individual computer user.

1. The Statistics say you should.

a. Amongrepparttar 107606 companies that experience data loss, 50% never re-open and 90% are out of business within two years.

b. 20MB of accounting data takes 21 days and costs $19,000 to reproduce.

c. Causes of data loss – 42% Hardware Failure, 30% Human Error, 13% Software Corruption, 7% Computer Viruses, 5% Theft.

2. Easy. Online backups are a simple way to protect your data. Online backup services providerepparttar 107607 software application, server space and customer service in one turnkey solution. There are no additional software applications or equipment specifications to learn. The installation and set-up is quick and painless. Your backups can be scheduled to run automatically at any time you desire. There is no media, tapes or hardware to deal with.

3. Security. Believe it or not, online backups are generally more secure than in-house backup solutions. If your computers or data are affected by natural disaster, power failure/surges, viruses, vandalism, theft, human error, etc., your in-house backup will sufferrepparttar 107608 same consequences. Another unfortunate thing about tape backups is that they are not generally encrypted, and not very secure. Almost anyone can read them and gain access to your clients, sales, prospects, notes, billing records, payroll, tax info, and anything else on your computer.

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