Guide to Buying a Digital Camera

Written by Maui Reyes

If you’re one of those people who have never owned a digital camera in their life, go to a corner and cry for ten minutes. Then get back to this list before hopping into your car to purchase one.

•Find out what you’ll be using it for. Walking into a camera store can be quite overwhelming—hundreds of cameras ranging fromrepparttar size of a credit card to as wide as a computer manual. It may be cute to carry around a sleek little red digicam, but you will have to consider what you’re actually going to use it for. Do you need a compact one to store in your handbag? Are you planning to take professional photos for work? Doesrepparttar 107367 number of features matter to you? Do you want a camera with manual functions? You don’t want to bring home a camera that doesn’t satisfy your needs, or purchase one with so many features that you won’t be able to use.

•Be familiar with camera specs. All those fancy words onrepparttar 107368 box might make it look like your wallet sized camera will turn you into a professional shutterbug. Mega Pixel isrepparttar 107369 maximum resolution per photo--the higherrepparttar 107370 MP,repparttar 107371 biggerrepparttar 107372 prints you can get without it looking blurry. If you’re only planning to exchange photos onrepparttar 107373 internet, then a 2MP camera is fine. Optical Zoom and Digital Zoom are two different things—most pros snub Digital Zoom, since this is actually a software function that cropsrepparttar 107374 image, which makes it lose its quality.

Diagnosing Paper Jams in HP Laser Printers

Written by Donald Broda

Diagnosing Paper Jams in HP Laser Printers

There are many things that can cause paper jams in HP printers, and diagnoses vary from one model torepparttar next. In this article I will discuss some ofrepparttar 107366 most common causes of printer jams and possible solutions.

Where isrepparttar 107367 paper jamming? When you answer this question you are close to solvingrepparttar 107368 problem.

1. Ifrepparttar 107369 printer will not pick up paper from tray two or three there are several causes.

-Try using a lower weight paper. HP does not recommend printing a higher weight than 20lbs from and tray but tray one.

-If this does not workrepparttar 107370 paper rollers probably need to be changed. These come with every maintenance kit, but most end users do not change them, they just changerepparttar 107371 fuser. If you do not have rollers available try cleaning them with a lint free cloth and wipe away any paper dust or other debris.

2. The paper is picked up fromrepparttar 107372 tray but does not make it torepparttar 107373 toner cartridge.

-Typically this isrepparttar 107374 paper feed assembly orrepparttar 107375 registration assembly. These are not easily replaced and I suggest consulting a professional.

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