Guarantee Specific Outcomes

Written by Burt Dubin

1. Reach 'em where they live! Grab 'em whererepparttar hair is short. Create a 2-prong penetration into your customer's consciousness. Experience a double-edged blockbuster benefit. First, guarantee specific outcomes. Don't market your product or service. Instead, market what your customers identify as their desired outcomes of your product or service. (In this article, I'll simply say "service".)

2. Second, beat your promise, right fromrepparttar 121562 gitgo. You gotta deliver when you market outcomes. So, give more than your previous best. Raiserepparttar 121563 bar again. And again. Raiserepparttar 121564 bar on you.

I've been doing this since Day One back in 1978. Promise a real, measurable return on your client's investment in your offer. (Call it that. It's not a fee. It's an investment. It's an investment inrepparttar 121565 outcomes of your work.)

3. Why market outcomes instead of services? Because services are commodities. Outcomes are not. Outcomes are far more valuable. Researchrepparttar 121566 value ofrepparttar 121567 desired outcome torepparttar 121568 client. Then, when you're withrepparttar 121569 person who can say yes, rub salt inrepparttar 121570 wounds ofrepparttar 121571 way things are. Make it hurt.

4. Now, romancerepparttar 121572 outcomes you can deliver. Be an evangelist. Compare what they have now with what you are prepared to deliver. Ask which they prefer. The answer is obvious. (See "Sellingrepparttar 121573 Dream," by Guy Kawasaki.)

5. How about implementation? Create a detailed paint-by-number System that, when wisely engaged, produces desired outcomes. Title it The _______________ System. Or call it The ______________ Operating Guide. Make it easier and more natural to succeed in creating desired outcomes. Build accountability for taking prescribed actions into this implementation instrument.

*** Some situations may be beyond your skill level, beyond your experience level. Beyondrepparttar 121574 possible. Be judicious. Before you commit, consider whether you can guarantee desired outcomes. Don't go in over your head.

Measurable outcomes:

1. Guarantee a real return. A measurable return. A bankable return.

Here's an example. Inrepparttar 121575 early 1980's I delivered a lot of sales trainings. I guaranteed decision-makers a 12% increase in sales within 30 days of my program. If they didn't get this measurable result I'd come back for expenses only and do some more training free. This promise cost me nothing.

That's because I not only showed my students how to paint mouth-watering, alluring, seductive (and true) pictures. Pictures ofrepparttar 121576 benefits ofrepparttar 121577 benefits their customers would enjoy after taking recommended actions. Then I went well beyond that. I showed my students their personal benefits when they soldrepparttar 121578 way I modeled.

When you speak with decision-makers, always cause your listeners to imagine, to picture, to envision, to visualize themselves experiencing their life after they do what you want them to do.

Like this: See yourself, you, reader (and I do mean you,) after you allow yourself to accept-and to don-the mantle of your true power. See yourself lighting uprepparttar 121579 faces of your customers when you illuminate them with your how-to's and your why-to's. See them inspired. See them breathing hard. See them eager to get out there and userepparttar 121580 ideas you gave them.

That vision you hold inside you enlivensrepparttar 121581 inner you. It reflects onrepparttar 121582 outer you. You carry yourself differently. You stand taller. You move more dynamically. The look in your eyes is more steadfast. Your voice has a new and bolder ring. You reach people at a deeper level of their consciousness. You vivify your delineations.

Non-measurable outcomes:

Some outcomes are hard to quantify. Let success be as seen throughrepparttar 121583 buyer's eyes. Ifrepparttar 121584 decision-maker does not seerepparttar 121585 desired outcomes within a reasonable time, be willing to undorepparttar 121586 transaction.

Marketing Strategies For Now!

Written by Burt Dubin

Never, I swear to you, never did I think, antipathetic as I am to all things reeking of MLM, that I'd ever share this with you. And yet success principles simply are. Here arerepparttar marketing strategies that took Amway (to think I'd even mention that word!) to international market penetration.

What works, works. Strategies and models that let a kitchen table vision rise to world-wide success are worthy of our study. Here arerepparttar 121561 7 actions that worked for (ugh) Amway. And they can work for you.

1. Sellrepparttar 121562 dream. When you target decision-makers who can hire you, paint a glowing word picture ofrepparttar 121563 array of benefits awaitingrepparttar 121564 organization,repparttar 121565 decision-maker, andrepparttar 121566 audience. Lay it on with a trowel. Makerepparttar 121567 most of allrepparttar 121568 truth you've got. Speak ofrepparttar 121569 joy and gratification,repparttar 121570 recognition and professional growth awaitingrepparttar 121571 decision-maker as an outcome of choosing you to speak or train. Placerepparttar 121572 decision-maker inrepparttar 121573 picture. "Imagine how you'll feel when..." "Visualize your next Performance Evaluation after you recognize me asrepparttar 121574 ideal person to add value to your conference now..."

Ifrepparttar 121575 fates allow you to be in direct touch withrepparttar 121576 CEO or EVP, focus on how your intervention will yield outcomes that delight repparttar 121577 shareholders,repparttar 121578 Board Chair. Delineate how your actions produce more productivity, more profits, greater market penetration, higher market share, better positioning for a brand, etc.

When you stand before your audience, do this: Share a vivid view, an exciting promise ofrepparttar 121579 spectrum of results they create for themselves personally when they abide by your recommendations.

2. Offer residual benefits, long-term benefits, if possible. Doesrepparttar 121580 reputation they establish through using your ideas live on for many years or decades? Tell them so! Is a passive income stream generated, maybe a bigger retirement cash-flow? Tell them. Think this through. Tell each levelrepparttar 121581 ongoing benefits ofrepparttar 121582 benefits.

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