Grow Rich With Your Thought

Written by Michel Richer

Our brain is a marvelous creation. It receive and transmit information like a wireless phone. Our thought are made of wave. We call that brain wave. It is around 10 to 40 cycle per second when we are awake.

In fact our thought are MAGNETIC. Like a magnet we attract circumstances and opportunities. We litterally ATTRACTrepparttar life we want with our POWERFUL thought like a magnet !

You might say :" But Michel i have been thinking about wealth all my life andrepparttar 116591 only thing i got is 5 cents inrepparttar 116592 banks !"

Do you think about wealth orrepparttar 116593 lack of wealth ? This is different my friend. When you think about not having enough money what do you attract ? Not enough money of course !

This is a spiritual law ! It'srepparttar 116594 law of attraction or sameness or harmony. You cannot have, what you don't think you can have. Like attracts like. Like criminals with criminals and saints with saints.

We join a group because they sharerepparttar 116595 same ideas as ours (the law of sameness). We won't join people who doesn't thingrepparttar 116596 same as us ! Like attracts like - you getrepparttar 116597 point ! I'm sure you do now.

We have to replace our old thinking if we want to succeed. Think about success and wealth and not: " Not enough money " or " I cannot succeed " . Replace this with : " I will succeed litlle by little, day by day ".

Our action follows our thinking. If we don't believe we can start a business we won't start a business. Period.

But if we believe we can start a business here is what happen : First our thought will attract information on how to start a business. So we first learn how to start and grow a business.

Bare Bones Guide To Starting A Business

Written by Robert Nelson

Always contact a Lawyer for advice as to how to set up a business if you are unsure. There is always free legal advice available through SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives). If your business starts to get really lucrative inrepparttar future, you can even consider moving up from a Business to a Corporation, or an LLC. You can incorporate online at SCORE will tell you how and not charge you a fortune to do it! You can also checkrepparttar 116590 Yellow Pages under "Free Legal Aid". There are numerous agencies ready to assist you in starting a business. Callrepparttar 116591 SBA (Small Business Administration) or visit their Web-Site at Here arerepparttar 116592 following steps, posted in order of operation:

1. Establish A Post Office Box.: This can either be done directly atrepparttar 116593 US Post office, or through a private company such as Mail Boxes etc. To get your Business License and other paperwork processed quickly , they will need a PO Box or some type of business address. That's why you should get your PO Box first.

2. Fictitious Business Get A Name: Find out from City Hall where to go to get a "Fictitious Business Name". This is just a fancy way of sayingrepparttar 116594 name for your business. Before you go, you should think of a good name. Here's an example. If your last name was Ramirez, you might want to call it "Ramirez Security" or something similar. The cost for this is about $10.00.

3. Give Public Notice of Your New Business: After you get your Fictitious Business Name, you will get a receipt for this. You can bring this receipt to your local newspaper, and they will know what to do. They will charge you a modest fee, but make sure that they offer full services, including filing it withrepparttar 116595 County Clerk and giving you a confirmation letter after this is complete. You need to give "Public Notice" of your DBA (Doing business As) name. This means that you will have to get it published in a paper for 4 weeks, once a week.

4. Apply For a Business License : Go to City Hall inrepparttar 116596 City you live in and apply for a Business License. Different cities might have different procedures and fees. They should give you an application to fill out. This is always done afterrepparttar 116597 Fictitious Business Name statement, because they need to knowrepparttar 116598 name of your business onrepparttar 116599 application. This only makes sense. It takes a few weeks to receive your license inrepparttar 116600 mail once your application has been processed.

5. Open up a Business Checking Account: Go to your local bank and set up a Business Checking Account. This usually requires a deposit of $100.00 or so. Also, if you plan on accepting credit card orders, inquire about a merchant account. They will be very happy to discuss all options with you. Also, haverepparttar 116601 bank make you an Endorsement stamp according to their specifications. Your first couple of hundred business checks will be mailed to you within a few weeks of ordering. The bank will explain to you how an Endorsement stamp works.

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