Grow Monster Cosmos

Written by Jenny Harker

Every year I plantrepparttar cosmos variety ?Versailles? by seed, as well as ?Seashell?, ?Sonata?, and ?Psycho?, in my garden (Cosmos bipannutus, Hardy to Zone 5). And every year my cosmos reach six feet or more in height, four feet in diameter, and drip with so many flowers it takes me hours to deadhead. Wantrepparttar 105435 same results in your garden? Read on: The cosmos thrives in drought conditions. But complete neglect will kill it while too much ofrepparttar 105436 opposite will produce, as my frustrated neighbor calls it, ?straggly weeds?. Here are my rules for growing towering Cosmos: 1.Choose a garden bed in full all-day sun. Cosmos love heat and haterepparttar 105437 shade. Good air circulation is always a plus. 2.Start from seed. Your plants will grow a stronger root system if seeded directly intorepparttar 105438 garden bed. You?ll get better results if you start from seed instead of transplants. 3.Sow your seeds in a bed of loose average soil at least a foot deep. Cosmos like to spread their roots. The biggerrepparttar 105439 root systemrepparttar 105440 biggerrepparttar 105441 plant. 4.Fertilize one time whenrepparttar 105442 plants are seedlings. After that fertilize ONLY if your plants look pale. Too much fertilizer causes few flowers to develop. 5.Keep reading forrepparttar 105443 one vital secret you need to grow towering cosmos, or ?her funky Christmas trees? as a neighbor?s boy once described.

When I plant I scatterrepparttar 105444 seeds across a well-worked sunny garden bed and then work inrepparttar 105445 seeds with my fingers (like tossing a salad) untilrepparttar 105446 seeds are approximately two inches deep. I then patrepparttar 105447 dirt lightly. Keeprepparttar 105448 bed moist but don?t drown your babies. Watering inrepparttar 105449 morning is best. It keepsrepparttar 105450 seedlings moist duringrepparttar 105451 warmest parts ofrepparttar 105452 day. If your seedlings dry out from heat or extreme wind duringrepparttar 105453 day then water once more. Watering at night can cause your seedlings to develop fungi, as will watering your lawn at night. Moisture plus warmth plus good air circulation is a must for seedlings.

Orange Perennials For Your Garden

Written by Lee Dobbins

Perennials are wonderful because, they bloom year after year. Sometimes, I forget that I even have them planted and then they spring up to my surprise and delight! I like to add some zip to my garden with flowers that are orange in color. They add a vibrant touch andrepparttar brilliant colors attract birds and insects.

Here’s some of my favorite orange perennials: Butterfly Weed – This flowers in summer and can get as high as three feet. It has compact clusters of flowers and asrepparttar 105433 name implies, it does attract butterflies!

Day Lily – I see this beautiful flower growing wild all overrepparttar 105434 place here in New Hampshire. It blooms in summer and sits on 30” tall stalks. These perennials are virtually care free and will grow in most locations. Since 1 stalk can have over fourty flowers, you can have a bed of these that blooms for a month or more inrepparttar 105435 summer.

Gaillardia – This comes in a regular size that has 4” daisy like flowers and a dwarf size. The plant is short growing to about 2 feet and blooms in summer. These like to be planted inrepparttar 105436 full sun but are quite hardy and you can extendrepparttar 105437 bloom time if you cut offrepparttar 105438 fading flowers. Andrepparttar 105439 best thing is that they also attract butterflies!

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