
Written by Lynn Cutts

I don't know how familiar you are with Richard Carson's concept ofrepparttar Gremlin, so here's a brief explanation.

First of all, we all have Gremlins. They arerepparttar 146101 little (or not so little) voices that nag at us allrepparttar 146102 time. Sometimes they try hard to keep us safe, to not try new things. Sometimes they tell us that whatever it is we are doing, it's not good enough, fast enough, clever enough. . . Gremlins also are those intrusive little thoughts that tell us we should be doing something else. They're really good at getting us trapped between a rock and a hard place, at least in our own minds, and they love putting us in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" sort of bind.

Our Gremlins are always present, but sometimes they are a lot louder than at other times. Often, they like to disguise their messages as really coming from ourselves. Sorepparttar 146103 first thing to do in learning to deal with your Gremlins is to learn how to distinguish their voices from yours. Here are some clues:

You might have a Gremlin present:

- When your thoughts are running around in circles. - When you can't win, no matter what. - When it is more important to do things for others than to take care of yourself. - When you are creatively blocked.

- When nothing is fun.

- When everything you are doing is wrong. - When you're operating from "should" instead of "could" or "have to" instead of "choose to." - When you are arguing with yourself.

Taking Care of Yourself

Written by Lael Johnson

Copyright 2005 Writer's Eye Advisory Service

The essence of self-care, is to take daily care of yourself in a regular and consistent manner. It's about doingrepparttar stuff that our parents or guardians did their best to teach us when we were much younger. Good self-care allows you to put yourself atrepparttar 145732 top of your day, makes your more ready to face your day, your plans and life's unexpected moments.

SHOWER YOURSELF: Don't take everything so seriously. Give yourself appropriate gifts. Get a massage or plan a day atrepparttar 145733 spa. Hug yourself. Exercise. Take a nap. Go torepparttar 145734 beach and watchrepparttar 145735 water. Build a sandcastle or two. Act like a child. Play like a child. Think like a child. Wear your head high.

SAY GOODBYE TO YOUR PAST SELF: If you have a regular spiritual discipline and friends who followrepparttar 145736 same path, then celebrate and practice it. Celebraterepparttar 145737 new person you are becoming as you continue to make positive changes today. Stay in touch with your discipline and your group, let them hold you up as you continue to walk throughrepparttar 145738 difficult days out intorepparttar 145739 sunshine again. Practicing your spiiritual discipline regularly will energize you and place your self-care plans in perspective.

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