Greek Mythology

Written by Randy Wilson

A Bird’s Eye View ofrepparttar Greek Life Greek mythology involves tales ofrepparttar 138334 Greek gods and goddesses, heroes and heroines. The word mythology is of Greek origin. The Mythology originated fromrepparttar 138335 ancient Greek poets, priests and aristocrats. The myths of Greece are derived from ancient Greek religion.

Ancient Greek mythology can be traced back to three main sources: Homer, Hesiod and The Homeric Hymns from around 800 B.C. There are many variations ofrepparttar 138336 myths, as they have been changed over time, and added to and subtracted from depending onrepparttar 138337 writers. They give some information onrepparttar 138338 Greek way of life and its relation to cult practices. The Greek Myths are our window intorepparttar 138339 distant Greek past; they give us a view of a world that existed, an inkling of not onlyrepparttar 138340 lives and minds ofrepparttar 138341 ruling class but ofrepparttar 138342 humble and long suffering natives of ancient Greece.

Greek Mythology and Gods

About 1200 B.C.,repparttar 138343 residents of Greece and Asia Minor shared a common belief in a group of deities or gods and goddesses known asrepparttar 138344 Olympians. The Olympians descended fromrepparttar 138345 primal, self-created gods, beginning with Kaos (or Chaos). The Olympians are Immortals. Greek mythology lists many legends aboutrepparttar 138346 birth ofrepparttar 138347 Olympians, whom neither age or become sick or injured. They are invincible and have unique personality traits and appearances. Though ruled by Zeus, each Olympian god/goddess has his/her own distinct family tree and area of expertise.

Ancient mythology mentions twelve Olympian gods and goddesses. The Epics mention that these deities had taughtrepparttar 138348 Greeks a number of useful skills, methods of worshippingrepparttar 138349 gods and some miracles. They rewarded virtue and punished vice, and fathered/mothered children by mortals/humans. These half-human, half divine children are known as ‘the heroes’. The Olympians had a large following because they encouragedrepparttar 138350 pursuit of knowledge and creative activities.

Fundraising Tips 101

Written by Brooklynn Anderson

You know that you would like to have a fundraiser for your organization or school to raise funds, but know what? This fundraising article will help you plan out your fundraiser so that it is easy for you!

Tip One: What are your fundraising needs? This isrepparttar most important question you need to ask yourself so that you will know what your specific fundraising goals are.

Some questions you should consider:

How much money do you hope to raise from your fundraiser?

How many approximate people with be involved inrepparttar 138316 fundraiser?

When will it start?

How long will you have your fundraiser? You will want to make sure you are giving yourself enough time to wrap uprepparttar 138317 fundraiser and haverepparttar 138318 money you need on time.

Do you have enough volunteers to help withrepparttar 138319 fundraiser? If this is your first fundraiser you might want to give yourself some extra time should run into any problems or delays.

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