Greater Than Any Storm

Written by Joyce C. Lock

If you have ever known someone that would ask forgiveness (sometimes, even beforerepparttar church), then turn around and dorepparttar 101655 same thing again, you are not alone.

Though, that is not anything new to God. We dorepparttar 101656 same thing to Him, allrepparttar 101657 time, "I am sorry for my sin, please forgive me, and I will try to do better." And, maybe we do try, really try. Only, we fail, again.

We want to be a better person. However, when 'we' try to dorepparttar 101658 improving, it is a form of works ~ as if we could actually become good enough. None-the-less, as long as there is some secret part in us that wantsrepparttar 101659 temptation, it will come back again and again.

Once we seerepparttar 101660 sin forrepparttar 101661 ugliness that it is (realizing sin is what put Jesus onrepparttar 101662 cross) and we no longer want to dishonor God with temptation even in our thoughts, all we have to do is to ask God to remove it. God always answersrepparttar 101663 true desires of our heart. We no longer need beg to be made good enough and giving it to God makes Himrepparttar 101664 Divine Keeper. Satan is no longer aloud to tempt us, in that way, ever again!

It is not hard to walk a pure life once we have made our heart pure. But otherwise, we are destined to fail. Though, how we let another's sin affect us is a different matter.


Throughoutrepparttar 101665 state of KY, people are not prepared for harsh winter weather, as it happens too seldom for them to seerepparttar 101666 reason in financing labor and equipment. So, being that one cannot get up or down evenrepparttar 101667 smallest icy hills, as truckers well know,repparttar 101668 state is pretty much at a stand still until snow and ice melts;repparttar 101669 good part being that winter thaws much quicker than it does farther north.

For three years, my family and I lived in KY ~ where I worked retail. If snow clouds even appeared, employees would periodically go stand atrepparttar 101670 door (all day long), where they could check to see if anything had changed inrepparttar 101671 weather. And, atrepparttar 101672 first snow flake, employees verbally expressed worrying aboutrepparttar 101673 weather throughoutrepparttar 101674 remaining ofrepparttar 101675 entire work day. To those accustomed to more northern exposure, it was as if these people had never seen snow before. And for all purposes, it seemed so, as they had no clue how to drive in it.

Observing them caused me to realize how truly foolish it is to letrepparttar 101676 weather effect our day. If it so much as rains, people are depressed. Yet, how else willrepparttar 101677 grass, flowers, and trees get water? Otherwise, there would be no beauty for us to enjoy andrepparttar 101678 beautiful KY mountain sides would turn into mud slides at winter's thaw.

How to Help Someone on Crutches

Written by Susan Dunn, MA, The EQ Coach

Nothing feels as good as helping someone, as here's a clearcut way you can do it.

This is from my personal point of view, having just broken my ankle, but what other point of view is there? People have offered to do every one of these things for me, and I’m so grateful and will be passing it on. I should preface this withrepparttar fact that I’ve offered people help from time-to-time who’ve declined, and that’s fine too. Better to over-offer than to under-offer.

These things are particularly important inrepparttar 101654 beginning whenrepparttar 101655 pain isrepparttar 101656 worst, but then how are you going to going what stage they’re in?

1.It’s a problem of getting from one place torepparttar 101657 other.

Offer to do anything that will saverepparttar 101658 person steps. Moving on crutches is more tiring than it looks. Not only is it involving muscle groups in new ways, there is pain, and, as you know, pain is exhausting. Offer to sign them in, get them a cup of coffee, pick something up offrepparttar 101659 floor for them, get them seconds, give themrepparttar 101660 closest seat, bringrepparttar 101661 phone to them.

2. Hands are on crutches. Hands are therefore not free to do anything else.

The first thing you learn when you’re on crutches is that you’re finally there and you can’t take it back with you! (Thus you start wearing things with pockets.) You can help by opening doors, offering to carry things, press elevator buttons, put things in bags for them with handles they can drape over their arm. Offer to carry it torepparttar 101662 car for them. Openrepparttar 101663 car door for them when you get there.

3. Balance is precarious.

Ask how you can help, don't just rush in. Then listen. A strong arm is very useful to lean on and far more reliable than a crutch. Griprepparttar 101664 person inrepparttar 101665 way you feel most secure and rely on some guidance from them atrepparttar 101666 same time.

4. Offer to run errands for them. Any and everything.

If you're going out, give them a call. A simple, "I'm going torepparttar 101667 grocery, need anything?" is all it takes. If they live alone, imagine how helpful this is. If they live with another or others,repparttar 101668 workload has still been increased significantly on all concerned and their lives have been disrupted.

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