Gratitude For Aptitudes

Written by Stephanie West Allen


Many of you have probably heardrepparttar wise admonition: "Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoysrepparttar 123811 pig."

The pig just doesn't have that aptitude.

A human example: Don't try to teach some people to have short-term goals. You are wasting your time and really annoying them, or worse yet, making them feel inadequate about their own style of goal-reaching. More about that later.

One size does not fit all. A few years ago I was fortunate enough to takerepparttar 123812 Johnson O'Connor aptitude test. The testing was in one of several non-profit Human Engineering Laboratories aroundrepparttar 123813 United States. I learned of aptitudes I did and did NOT have. Aptitudes of which I had never known before.

Overrepparttar 123814 years, I have watched many people go torepparttar 123815 Laboratory for testing. I was delighted as I saw what happened when people learn new things about themselves.


The people returned fromrepparttar 123816 testing very happy to know more about their strengths and challenges. They learned why one career might be easier and more fulfilling than another. They were able to make better choices and see why it had hurt when they were trying to force themselves into professions that did not fit.

It is painful to be a square peg in a round hole.

Discovering our aptitudes through any method supports our mental health. Knowing our aptitudes is our right and our responsibility. If a person has a strong aptitude, they will often feel a restlessness or anxiety when not using it. We are given our gifts to use!


More about goal-setting: A person with a strong aptitude for foresight (as Johnson O'Connor calls this gift) usually does not achieve their goals by following those goal-setting plans we read about in so many books and articles.

Can I Really Make Money On The Internet?

Written by Bilal Babic

Yes, you can. Actually, I guarantee that you can make money onrepparttar Internet. This is not a bold claim.

I know you've heard that 95% (probably even more) people fail to make money onrepparttar 123810 internet. I know you think you've tried all and everything. Probably you have been through enough garbage onrepparttar 123811 Internet, spent countless hours, possibly a fair amount of money and if you've earned more than a hundred bucks then you have been really lucky.

Why is that so? There are to possible reasons why you andrepparttar 123812 rest of 95% people failed to make money onrepparttar 123813 Internet:

1) You fail because, deep inside your subconscious, you don't belive that you actually can succeed

2) You fail because you simply don't know how to do it right

It's that simple.

So what arerepparttar 123814 ingredients for success that ANYBODY can follow?

1) Belive that you will succed!

First of all you need to re-direct your immediate desire to make money online and BELIVE that YOU acctually will do it.

2) Don't take any advice from someone NOT actually doing it!

Believe it or not, most ofrepparttar 123815 people selling "how to make money online" information aren't actually doing it themeselves. Don't listen to them. They don't speak from experience.

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