Got the Single Woman Blues?

Written by Jacquelyn Hollister

Have you ever longed to have someone in your life so bad that your heart ached? Have you ever wondered "Will I ever findrepparttar right guy?" Have you ever been out torepparttar 130381 mall or somewhere else and saw a couple being all lovey dovey and wished you had someone to be lovey dovey with? Well guess what! There is a reason that you are alone right now. You either are not ready for him yet, or he is not ready for you. So inrepparttar 130382 meantime, you are preparing for eachother. When you are both ready, you will find eachother, with out even consciously looking. Just think...He could be at home right now, thinkingrepparttar 130383 same things you are thinking, feeling

10 Great Websites for Women

Written by Yolanda Shoshana

The web is now full of websites that are targeted for women. What is a girl to do, so many websites, so little time? Here are great ten sites that you should be sure to check out:

1) A health website for women. Start to pay attention to what you are eating and your exercise habits, feelrepparttar difference in your natural energy.

2) A great website for women to get a financial life. It is never too soon or too late to take control of your financial future. Turnrepparttar 130380 cha-ching into bling bling.

3) A wonderful resource on finding out what is going on for women inrepparttar 130381 news. Their tagline is “bridgingrepparttar 130382 gender gap every day” that says it all.

4) Barbara K. has designed high quality tools specifically for women. The tools are less intimidating andrepparttar 130383 website answers some ofrepparttar 130384 “everything you wanted to know, but where afraid to ask” questions.

5) Fun, urban, and hip books full of guilty pleasures for today's single woman. The books are perfect to snuggle in with a glass of wine. Cheers! 6) If you are a woman in business or thinking of starting a business, this is a great resource. Find other women to connect with and getrepparttar 130385 weekly profiles of other business women.

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