Got Lingo? The Terminology Of Marketing With Articles

Written by Bonnie Jo Davis

Every field or discipline has its own specialized vocabulary and marketing with articles is no different. Understanding and usingrepparttar lingo of marketing with articles will help you getrepparttar 120586 most out of this brilliant technique. Continue reading below for a set of terms and definitions for marketing with articles.

Article Announcement Newsgroups/Lists - E-mail lists that accept article submissions from subscribers. Some newsgroups only accept articles in one narrowly defined topic while others will accept any topic.

Article Directory/Archive - A web site that accepts article submissions in a large variety of topics and organizes them by category. A few of these sites require you to pay to have your article archived on site.

Autoresponder - An e-mail message that is sent automatically when an email is received torepparttar 120587 email account address. It is also used by authors in automatically delivering properly formatted text article submissions to editors.

Bibliography - A list of web sites, books and articles referenced in an article or publication.

Byline/Resource Box - A four or five line biography and contact information forrepparttar 120588 author of an article.

Copyright Notice - A one or two line statement that should be included in every article that includesrepparttar 120589 copyright symbol, date and owner.

Essay - A short article on a single subject written fromrepparttar 120590 author's personal viewpoint.

E-zines - Periodically published electronic newsletters delivered by e-mail.

Internet Marketing with Sweat Equity

Written by Toni Petersen

Think of your web site as a house. You want to maintainrepparttar investment and add equity so you remodelrepparttar 120585 bathroom, re-facerepparttar 120586 kitchen cabinets, landscape and add special touches that you know inrepparttar 120587 long run will increaserepparttar 120588 value of your home. This is called sweat equity.

Your web site needs similar attention. You can’t haverepparttar 120589 “build it and they will come” attitude. You have to advertise it in order to attract more visitors. This is called internet marketing.

Let’s start fromrepparttar 120590 beginning with choosingrepparttar 120591 right domain name. Choose a domain name that is easy to remember. Your company’s name orrepparttar 120592 name of your main product.

The web designer should have optimizedrepparttar 120593 site for search engines by writing clean source code, adding meta-tags, using significant keywords and text placement, sorepparttar 120594 search engine robots will be able to comb throughrepparttar 120595 web site effectively. And now it's time for a little of that sweat equity I was talking about.

Here are several suggestions:

Include your web address on all your printed material; business cards, letterhead, press releases and invoices. Also, include it in all your advertising.

Provide your visitors with real advice and information, not just a company brochure.

Share your skills with other sites that will post it and link back to your site.

Offer something free.

Participate in discussion groups where you can assist other’s with your expertise and become known as a powerful resource for others. This keeps you visible to potential customers.

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